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My friends!-Nik, love your makeup Sam! +i love you+ partners in crime♥ ~Amanda, im glad we met and im glad we became friends, and fast-always stay strong ~Kelsi, !We have alot in common and we along great. Care so much about you Miss Danielle~ ! i miss you so much and i hope to see you soon!love always ~Nikkiah, we've known eachother for along time,i will always Love you♥ -Schyler, you are such an amazing person. I am greatful for the friendship we have together ♥ -the gillsta+ I miss you dearly!!Love you , and always will
What do you see?? I'm not saying dont live life happily, and to give up ur dreams, But i am saying - this is how some live , and we need to make it better, we need to help, we need to care.-Do you like this tv show? You can watch this right?? But can you look at this? Why do we do this? and we sterotype this- and he wants to do alcohol research this also partakes in our world our world is beautiful but have you seen everything? No i haven't either Don't ever forget what else is going on in the world, in our countries, in our cities, or in our homes.
My friends- My mother-as the days grow- i miss her more. My brothers- trystan and gambit.I love them w/ all of my heart. Spidey Gambit : Trystan: