%billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] profile picture

%billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS]

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About Me

♠ Am a spoilt brat♠ Love being pampered♠ I always get what I want♠ And I don? have to work for it♠ I suck at my own life♠ Need a drastic attitude adjustment♠ A good girl with a devilish spot in heart♠ Hardcore party-goers♠ But I don't socialize that much♠ An introvert I say♠ Pretty hard ice to break♠ It takes time to get close♠ Don't give a shit bout what you people think of me♠ I don? have faith in love♠ Don? ask me why♠ Music is my passion♠ How I wish I'm gifted with talents♠ Plan to get myself a tattoo♠ And also a new hair-do♠ Am a shopping addict♠ Really addicted to Miss Sixty♠ Sucker for reality shows♠ Frankly, am a potato couch♠ I can sit in front of the TV the whole day♠ Addicted to strawberries♠ I enjoy reading very much♠ I wish I own Kinokuniya♠ Don't interrupt me while I? reading..♠ NOT GOOD!♠ A student♠ Who skip classes more than anyone else♠ End up asking for friends help to do my assignment♠ A dreamer♠ Stuck in memories♠ And I hate that♠ I really wish I hit my head and lost my memories♠ Text messaging is my life♠ Can't live without my mobile phone♠ I love fast driving♠ I enjoy the speed♠ Thinking bout taking a professional driving lesson♠ Am touring Europe this October♠ Yeay!/br

My Interests

♠ my aby♠ my bitch♠ Jose Mourinho (My Man!)♠ Shopping (who doesn't?)♠ Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder♠ Z3 (Damn!)♠ BURBERRY♠ Guess?♠ FCUK♠ Evisu (Ehemm!)♠ 77♠ Miss Sixty♠ CK♠ La Senza♠ Sean John♠ Body arts (tattoo)♠ Body piercing♠ Arts♠ Hair coloring♠ Text Messaging♠ Travelling♠ Ilusi? (Especially with my bitch)♠ Yougurt♠ Strawberry (My favourite. Hell yeahh!)♠ Gossiping & chilling with my gfs♠ CHELSEA♠ Sushi. Yummyy!♠ Gadjets♠ K-Fed (I just love him. Nuff said!)♠ Night outs♠ Movie marathons♠ PS2 til dawn♠ Frappucino Green Tea♠ Coffee Bean's Chocolate Muffin♠ Blueberry Cheesecake♠ Late night calls/br

I'd like to meet:

♠Jose Mourinho
♠Travis BArker/br


♠ Rancid♠ Funeral For A Friend♠ Matchbook Romance♠ 30 Seconds To Mars♠ Taking Back Sunday♠ The Exploited♠ The Clash♠ Ramones♠ Underoath/br ♠ Shelter♠ CIV♠ The Verve♠ Lo♠ Jungle Jerry♠ Tiesto♠ Paul Van Dyke♠ Benni Benassi♠ Gatecrasher♠ ATB♠ Paul Oakenfold♠ The Used♠ Thursday♠ The Oppressed♠ 4 Skins ♠ Skrewdriver♠ Operation Ivy♠ Sham 69♠ Audioslave♠ Prodigy♠ Juliana Theory♠ Keepsake♠ Finch♠ Atreyu♠ Nofx♠ ALter Bridge♠ John Legend♠ Muse♠ The Killers♠ Franz Ferdinand♠ Plus 44♠ Fall Out Boys♠ Maroon 5♠ Gwen Stefani♠ Disagree♠ Goo Goo Dolls♠ Love Me Butch♠ Oasis♠ Boxcar Racer♠ Slipknot♠ Professional Murder Music♠ Jimmy Eat World♠ Boy Hits Car♠ Eve 6♠ Diffuser♠ Sinisstar♠ Jerk♠ Cinder♠ Edgewater/br


♠ My Tutor Friend♠ Godfather 1,2,3♠ Saw 1,2,3 ♠ Over The Hedge♠ TRANSFORMER♠ My Wife Is A Gangster 3♠ Pariah♠ John Tucker Must Die♠ Romper Stomper♠ LOTR♠ Harry Potter♠ Save The Last Dance♠ 10 Things I Hate About You♠ The Departed♠ Ocean Eleven♠ 12 Monkeys♠ Shrek 1,2 ♠ Scary Movies 1,2,3,4♠ Pirates Of The Carribean♠ White Chick♠ Ice Age♠ Wedding Singer♠ Sweet Home Alabama♠ The Incredible♠ Sky High♠ The House Keeper♠ Art Of The Devil 1,2♠ Needing You♠ Diva, Ah Hei♠ Young & Dangerous 1,2,3,4,5,6/br


♠ America's Next Top Model♠ HEROS ♠ House♠ Nip/Tuck♠ Grey's Anatomy♠ Bones♠ Criminal Minds♠ Falcon Beach♠ My Super Sweet 16th♠ C.S.I (Las Vegas)♠ C.S.I (Miami)♠ C.S.I (NY)♠ Janice Dickinson Modelling Agency♠ One Tree Hill♠ Supernatural♠ Simple Life♠ Everwood♠ Still Standing♠ That 70's Show♠ My Wife & Kids/br


♠ The Da Vinci Code♠ Bloodline♠ Spirit 69 (The Skinhead Bible)♠ Skinhead Nation♠ Skinhead♠ Star Shine Down♠ The Master Of The Game ♠ It Chick♠ Hook Up & Break Up♠ The All-American Girl♠ The Matchbreaker♠ Rage Of Angels♠ Mixed Messages♠ Reality Chick♠ The Interpretation Of A Murder♠ The Writer Stuff♠ Shopaholics/br


♠ Saddam Hussein♠ Jose Mourinho♠ Travis Barker♠ Sid Vicious♠ Tim Armstrong♠ Paris Hilton & Nichole Ritchie/br

My Blog

the v day sickness

thanked god v day is over.. sickening.. haha! how pathetic am i huh.. love is in the air for people who r in love.. but thats soo not me.. end up getting sick after the nite out.. damn hectic day man....
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:09:00 PST

I'm in love?! HELL NO!

  What is true love? That's nothing but pain! What is true love? It loves the person you love even when you get rejected. Staying true when you are no longer wanted anymore. Expressing your love ...
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:13:00 PST

And again..

  I just found out something. And I'm hurt. I don't know why, but it hurt so badly. Shit! I hate everything that happened in my life and I'm so fucking hates you!! Why must all this shit happened...
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 01:28:00 PST

to whom it may concern

cant you see, that I wanna bethere with open armsit's empty tonight, and I'm all aloneget me through this onedo you notice I'm gone?where do you run to so far away?I want you to know that I miss you, ...
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 03:46:00 PST


  I¡¦m just sad, extremely sad. I just finished watching Armageddon again! It¡¦s just sad. Ughh.. Anyway, I can¡¦t seem to shut my eyes but I¡¦m so damn tired. I¡¦ve been up the whole day, thanks...
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 12:17:00 PST

for the eyes of someone special..

I never really knew you,You were just another friend,But when I got to know you,I let my heart unbend. I couldn't help past memories,that would only make me cry,I had to forget my first love,and give ...
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Mon, 08 May 2006 01:34:00 PST

Such a drama..

Damn... I need you... I really need you rite now... Cut to the chase... I fucking need you!!!
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Sat, 06 May 2006 07:33:00 PST

Operator, The Line Is Dead

I guess I never wanted this Another ever after kiss Operator, the line is dead Oh no, it's only me and all the walls inside my head And for the record, I was lost With only one road I could not cross ...
Posted by %billy_stripped [CRASHING EMOTIONS] on Tue, 02 May 2006 03:25:00 PST