people who speak in palindromes . people who know what palindromes are . nihlists . rational thinkers . people who know where their loyalties lie . someone who can teach me something . those who know that being smart is wicked cool . masters of proper subject-verb agreement . antidisestablismentarianists . people that make me laugh out loud . my doppelgander . those who recognize and appreciate irony . someone who gets it . ayn rand . sylvia plath . albert einstein . ludwig von mises. s.e. hinton . kurt vonnegut . bret easton ellis . henry miller . jack kerouac. harper lee. Jesus . hunter s. thompson . tom wolfe . ted hughes . henry rollins . axl rose in 1991 . duff mckagen . wesley willis . ernest hemmingway . holden caufield . christian bale . my dad in 1965 . magnus samuelson . mariusz pudinowsky . j.d. salinger . gregory peck . mickey rourke (!) .