good evans profile picture

good evans

dooooooo y'reckon

About Me

My Interests

silver and gold, stress possitions, trivia, reeul 'pipes, vice, cobbles, yoshitaka amano, final fantasy vii-ix, beer, pools, party people, getaways, mist, winchester, starbucks, the passenger seat, metal gear, BL, sailor moon, beer, jiiiiiive tulkin', horns, upper eyelids, town squares, tartan asia extreme, sweeping generalisations, long coats, "taking in" everything, mischa barton, oscar, compulsive lying, all nighters, parkeharrison, mens irregular choice, free stuff, ICO, satoshi kon films, anything woolen, coffee to-go, JET SET RADIO, face-down sleep, memento mori, the use, misuse and downright abuse of the english language
