Cameron? profile picture


Always get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whol

About Me

Extended Network Banner Generated with MyWackoSpace MyWackoSpace MySpace Icons Online Flash Games MySpace Graphics MySpace LayoutsThe names Cameron, I am with this girl named Heather and she is everything to me. I am with her every second that I can be. I am going to be attending MSU this next year. I used to play basketball, but have decided to take an early retirement due to the fact that I needed a job and now do not have time for such a sport.
name? Cameron
single or taken? Taken
sex? Male
birthday? May 13
zodiac sign?
siblings? 2
hair color? Dark Brown
eye color? Brown
shoe size? 13
height 6'3''
who is/are toy best friend(s)? Friends who I can trust
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes my girl Heather
where is you favorite place to shop? somewhere cheap, unless someone else is paying
any tattoos or piercings? No
do you do drugs? nope
do you drink? Na
what kind of shampoo do you use? Liquid shampoo
what are you most scared of? snakes
who is the last person that called you? Heather
where do you want to get married? In a big church
how many buddies are online right now? 34
what would you change about yourself?(appearance/personality) Nothing
favorite color? Green
fave food? Ribs
fave subjects in school? Lol I umm... don't like school
fave animals? Cat
fave sports? Basketball
have you ever smoked? no
have you ever bungee jumped? no
made yourself throw up? no
skinny dipped? Yea lol
been in love? Yes
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Yea lol
cried when someone died? yes
lied? duh
fallen for you best friend? uhh...
been rejected? no
rejected someone? nope
used someone? nope
done something you regret? yes
current clothes? shorts and socks
current smell? like i just got out of the shower
current fave movie?
current fave tv show?
current desktop pic?
current book you are reading? Bobby Knight
current dvd in your player? none
current color of toenails? clear lol
who was the last person you hugged? My grandma
you IMed? My boy E.J.
you yelled at? My sister
you kissed? Heather
are you understanding? Yes
are you open-minded? yes
are you arrogant? sometimes
are you insecure? no
are you random? sometimes
are you moody? nope
are you hard working? i think so
are you healthy? yes
in the morning i am...? tired
all i need is...? Heather
i dream about...? that one person
what do you notice first in the opposite sex? eyes
what is the worst question to ask? Dang!!! Is that your mom?
what makes you smile? Her
who has a crush on you? Heather Rarick
do you ever sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to IM you? no
do you ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex? no
do you ever wish you were younger? NO
number of times you have had your heart broken? none
number of hearts i have broken? ?
number of guys/girls i have kissed? really, who counts
number of tight friends? my whole basketball team, so my 14 brothers
number of cds you own? alot but they are all burned lol
number of scars on your body? 4 or 5
do you believe in god? Yes
do you drink? Yea I love water
what was the last film you saw at the movie theater? The ringer
favorite disney movie? Even Stevens: The movie
what did you have for breakfast this morning? Rolls
who would you love being locked in a room with? umm...
could you live without your computer? yes, there are finner things in life, to me at least
would you ever color your hair? nope
habla espanol? Yea i know what that means so i guess so
what does your room look like? BIG
who is your hero? I don't believe in heros
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My Interests

Basketball, brother, and spending time with Heather.

I'd like to meet:

I already meet her.


Really anything.


Caddyshack and Hoosiers


I watch everything.


I like reading about peoples lives and what they have done with them.


I don't beleive in heros, I beleive in role models though.