music, movies, night atmosphere, novelz, magazines, beach, pool, sparkling juice, havoc, party, bowling..
hmmz..someone interesting...someone i can say "wow" to...someone that can teach me something new ;o) Cos' the best people to get to kno are the ones that can teach you things that truly touch you...n none of that soppy stuff im talkn bout physics, biotechnology ykno technical...haha JKz as much as that is interesting...u can still hand me your life stories ;o)
most of da time i love hiphop and r&b..but lately pop is good...and of course those slow songs..any songs i can dance to is good to me...
fear factor ! i really hope it's me in dat show but i'm not ready to eat those slimy worms...oh and also for love and money...dat show has a message for all da men..most of de women in da world is materialistic..and what else..hmm..owhh, sex and da city is good...everything about sex is good..haha..
lotS! i loVe rEadinG ! i rEad tO imProvE mY seLf-eSteeM..i reAd foR dA saKe oF kILLinG tiMe..i rEad tO leaRn moRe aBout liFe..i rEad tO leaRn hoW tO tReaT a gUy ;) kidding..