I am a vegetarian health-nut into meditation, magick,
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Or Get Myspace Commentsspirituality, writing poetry ( I have LIKe TonS on myblog), exercise, letting go of things, forgiveness, andanything I can do to love myself better. I work the nightshift, so it's hard for me to meet anyone. Know Thyself.Right now I am focusing on perfecting the moment.Lately I have been dancing on a balcony in my apartment tomusick that i have made (remixes etc. mostly BASS musicklately) late at night on my nights off. i like making thingsin my blender with organic tea and fruit etc. Mostly greentea, but i have tried red tea lately, also (it's delish =]).de-caff of course. if I want A pick me up, i use ginseng.It's much better for U. at least for me personally. I don'tcare whether or not people are jealous of me. I just want totake care of myself and be happy in whatever I do or chooseto be. I don't like unsolicited advice, but I don't get madat it, either. I feel like what someone else does is theirbusiness. I used to get mad at people who misunderstood me.Oh well. shit happens. i wish everyone well even if everconsidered an "enemy." Another pet peeve that is fading isthat I don't like hypocrites, but hey i can say that i havebeen there. that's just bad karma, i think (2 not 4give yourself). I know it isn't easy sometimes to do that, but all Ucan do is the best at the moment because that is all therereally is. Nothing really matters. I AM.+Namaste+_J3R._