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We're All Small Fish

About Me

I have a sister. We have so many memories together. She is generally very busy, but we keep in touch.

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I believe if I died tomorrow, I would die peacefully. I’ve lived a full life and done everything I’ve set a goal for. (So, I need new goals.) South Korea was a dream come true. After waiting six years to teach English, I finally did it. I experienced life and wonderful adventures. I ate delicacies and made some awesome friends. I watched some of the best movies that were made in South Korea in the Korean language. In fact, I can see why Harvard has had a class that exhibited some movies from South Korea. You must see movies that show the history of South Korea like Shemildo. However, my favorite movie is quite simple. It is called The Little Bride. (It is story about a girl that marries young. Her husband is at her side as she transitions from girl to woman. It is so endearing that I cry when I think about it.) I really want to buy this movie, but I don’t speak Korean and I don’t think I can find it through the English translation. I haven’t been able to find it in the U.S. Perhaps, I should try areas where there are a lot of Korean people and Korean items. I still strive to learn more about South Korea. I hope to continue to study and learn everyday about South Korea. South Korea produces some of the most amazing movies in the world and it is place I will never forget.

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I have a lot of really cool friends. One of my friends asked to have the keys to my car to get something out of it and took my car for a joyride. I don’t think this someone even had a driver’s license. Not only that, this someone took pictures while driving with another friend. Then, when I saw the pictures, it just didn’t click that someone else was in the driving seat besides me.

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I have to give a shout out to a friend who has introduced me all the girly things in life. Because of her, I have enjoyed facials, false eyelashes (if can ever get them to stay on!),and shopping.

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My Interests

I have many interests. I enjoy making my page on Myspace, doing Sudoku, making paper flowers, playing cards, taking walks and reading books. I have beaded in the past, but lately I have been busy doing other things.

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One of my all time favorite pastimes include calling my friends and family. I’m hooked on talking on the phone. In fact, I think the perfect job for me would be to work somewhere on the phone.

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I was obsessed with getting a docsey wiener dog. Then, I spent a day with a dog that peeed on my couch. Since then, I’ve been collecting stuffed dogs. Kudos to those who take their dogs to classes and spend a lot of time with their dogs.

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I'd like to meet:

Emmy-winning writer Tucker Cawley from Everybody Loves Raymond, Madonna, Ed Mcman at my door, Bill Gates, and the President.

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Phil Collins, Dave Mathews, Shinia Twain, White Zombie, Josh Grobin, Celine Dion, Faith Hill, Will Smith, and Carrie Sherwood


The Little Bride, Romancing the Stone, Weeekend at Berney's, Indiana Jones, The Wedding Singer
Glitter Graphics


1st Everybody Loves Raymond 2nd Judge Judy 3rd Ugly Betty 4th Little People Big World 5th Boston Legal 6th Wife Swap 7th Super Nanny 8th Oprah 9th Biggest Loser 10th Animal Precinct
Glitter Graphics


I'm reading A Bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks I want to buy Beauty Fades But Dumb is Forever by Judge Judy my backgrounds Background image by Colin Palmer. Creative Commons some rights reserved. View the license here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/


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My cat can shake and sit up like a dog. She is my hero. Last year, my cat sat outside and stared longingly at the birds. People told me, “That cat won’t catch a thing.” She is declawed and a bit overweight. The other day, I found several dead birds on the carpet. It just goes to show everyone that you must never limit anyone in their dreams. If you work hard, you never know what will happen in life.

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My Blog


  A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obliga...
Posted by Mia on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 12:35:00 PST


Well, I'm at that point in my life where I need to drop several pounds. I know, all I need to do is count calories and take walks. Even after I learned that losing weight is easy, I love quick die...
Posted by Mia on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:00:00 PST