Operating between Brighton and London, and willing to travel, Likely Stories has been set up as a way for the acts involved to expand their audience and their performing experience. We are an artist-run organisation, which means our profits, such as they are, stay with the artists. Also, through working together artists build up a network of support that goes beyond their home city. We are currently arranging gigs in both London and Brighton. Each gig involves performers from both cities; the idea is, we are creating new audiences for all the acts and helping each other get a following in more than one place in the country. Whoever is at home helps bring in the initial audience and then when they go to an 'away' gig, the favour is returned...
p.s. Look, don't just ask for our friendship, that's boring, and anyway we won't add you just for no reason, so message first and make all this netwanking a little less gratuitous.