The questions u should never answer
Sooo whats your #: 3
How many boyfriends: Good Question
Do you ever use pickup lines: I dont need them
Ever have a one night stand: Nope
Ever ditch in the middle of the night: Nope
Ever sneak out: Im too grown for that
How many guys have you kissed: Uhhh none of yo buisness
Ever been in love for real: too many times
Ever say I love you and not mean it: No
Do you kiss with toung: If I have to
Fuck on the first date: Never
Take em home to meet the parents: Only if I like them alot
Ever cheated: Yea
Ever got caught cheating: A pimp neva gets caught
Ever lie to a boyfriend: Yep
Have you ever been drunk?: Every weekend
Smoked Pot?: Nope
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: None of yo buisness
How old were you when you seen your first guy completely naked?: Hell if I remember
Do you talk to your mom about sex?: Nope my Dad
Have you ever taken nude photo's?: Nope
Ever went live on a web cam?: Nope
Had phone sex?: Nope
Brought food into bed with you?: Nope
Do you have a boyfriend now?: Hell Naw
Cheated on him if you do?: N/A
Do you love him if you do?: N/A
Ever want to get married?: Nope
What do you fantisize about?: Money
Have you ever wanted something you cant have?: Yes and it sucks
Ever had your heart broken... honestly?: too many times
When was the last time you were hurt?: last month
Whens the last time you drank?: last weekend
Whens the last time you took a picture?: today
Do you think about oher guys when you have a boyfriend?: uhhhh.......
Are you a forever person or just for now?: it depends
Have you ever changed for someone?: yes big mistake!
Are you a player.... for real?: now
Have you ever been in a fist fighta?: yea
Have you ever spread a rumor?: no
Do you go to church?: yes; The Potters House
Do you pray?: everyday
Do you believe in fait?: I have to
Have you ever been cheated on?: too many times
Do you still think youll find happiness?: I truly hope so
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too many to list
My mommie and Vernon Grant RIP.