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About Me

Matt Thomas Learning sign language Loves friends and family Enjoys bowling Plays first and third person shooter Eats constantly but remains slim Dislikes tom greatly Hates people that act like there someone else Also check out My gamertag on xbox live is RGC LLAMA FV Get your own free cool template at

My Interests

Two great minds think alike.
Derek:" your Matt Thomas of course you can improvise"
Matt:What!? im not amish!"
Derek:"NO i said Matt Thomas" i spooned with a lion once... Did you ever find bugs bunny attractive when he put on a dress and acked like a girl bunny.. how is it if you kill a man in the heat of battle its called heroics, but when you kill a man in the heat of passion its called murder... if you stab a man in the dead of winter you can se the steam rising from the wound, the indians said that it was the soul escaping the body

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Justin Timberlake Lyrics
Dick in a Box Lyrics ..


i spooned with a lion once... Did you ever find bugs bunny attractive when he put on a dress and acked like a girl bunny.. how is it if you kill a man in the heat of battle its called heroics, but when you kill a man in the heat of passion its called murder... if you stab a man in the dead of winter you can se the steam rising from the wound, the indians said that it was the soul escaping the body