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Extended Network BannersWhen erika was born, the Sun was in the Sign Pisces, the Visionary or the Mystic. erika's basic sanity and vitality depend upon her frequent and regular immersion in experiences that help her connect to herself as something vaster, more mysterious and far less definable than merely her ego, body or personality. erika needs to explore states that involve her formlessness and boundarylessness. To dissolve the narrow definitions of the self into something larger. In short, erika requires a steady diet of altered-state experiences to nourish the Mystic and the Visionary at the core of her her need and capacity to experience other worlds, inner, meditative or creative, as just as real and compelling as the outer world. These experiences should be consciously chosen, calming, and heighten erika's awareness--not dull it with escapist or addictive behavior. erika's nature is sensitive, compassionate, dreamy, and intuitive, full of mystical or psychic sensibilities. An atheistic, skeptical, totally linear and uncompromisingly pragmatic attitude and lifestyle would be poisonous to her. For a relationship to blossom, committed love must deepen erika's sense of the indescribable Mystery of life, not reduce it. In intimacy, erika's tendency towards sappiness may present some problems, but they're insurmountable only in two cases: if erika has chosen to numb her sensitivity with addictions, or if she has chosen a rigid, judgmental and defensive realist as a mate. erika's constant, if unspoken, search for Spirit at the core of everything may seem unworkably Quixotic at times, yet that same search can recognize and honor the soul of her mate and add immeasurably to the enchantment of the relationship.