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About Me

HipnoZ Melis BALCILAR - Ses Mehmet Ulas ORAL – Gitar/geri vokal Mehmet Burak YILMAZ - Gitar Mert Ertunc- Bas Gitar Anil Emre GuMuS - Davul ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------Hipnoz Melis Balcilar(ses), Ulas Oral(gitar) ve Anil Emre Gumus(davul) tarafindan 2004 yilinda istanbul’da kuruldu. Bu uclu, calismalarini daha rahat surdurebilmek için Beyoglu-Tunel'de Prova&Kayit Studyosu “Studio Fanus”u actilar. Zamanla, kendi sarkilarini buyutmeye calisirken kadro da buyudu; Burak Yilmaz(gitar) ve Mert Ertunc(bas gitar) Hipnoz bunyesine dahil oldu. Modern muzigin cesitliliginden etkilenerek olusturduklari, post-modern elektronik rock sound’unda kaynayan kendi besteleri ve turlu coverlardan olusan repertuarlari ile cok cesitli bar&konser&festivallerde çaldilar. Hipnoz 2006 Haziran da ilk demosu “Kukla”yi, 2007 Ocak’ta ikinci demolari “Anafor” ve "Acimin Adi Ask"i, Eylül 2007'de ise son demosu "Maske" yi yayinladi.. Hipnoz muzigi koyu ve derin; bilinen ama anlatilamayan icsel dusuncelerin, ruh haritasinda gosterilemeyen hayat kenarlarinin ve capakli ayrintilarin, trajedi kralliginin maskesi ardindaki yuzlerin, gizlerin notaya yansimasidir..---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- HipnoZ’un bugune kadar sahne aldigi yerler :-----2006 ---- Bronx / Taksim (konser)---- Pulp / Taksim ( Her Sali program+konser)---- Eksi Limon / Taksim (Her Cmt. program+konser)---- Numb / Taksim (konser)---- Gitar Bar / Taksim (konser)---- Manastre Music Hall / Taksim (konser)---- On the Run / Taksim (konser) ---- -2007----- TAX-- Bar / Taksim ( Her Cuma&Cmt. program)---- Mimar Sinan unv. Bahar senlikleri (konser)---- Kanal 24 Underground program-- (Roportaj+canli performans)---- Kat 3 Bar / Bursa (konser)---- Studio Live / Taksim (konser)---- “Rockplus” Online Dergi www.rockplusdergi.com (Roportaj)---- BarisaROCK Festivali (konser)---- Aktüel Dergisi 4 eylül (Roportaj)--- akademi-bulteni.net (Roportaj)--- Mojo Bar / Taksim (konser) Mackolik - Lions parti (konser) ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- Yeni HipnoZ parçasi "Cinayet" çok yakinda yayinda! ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- --Iletisim: ----Menajerlik: Çaglayan Saygili (536) 4646866---- caglayan_saygili@hotmail.com---- info@hipnozonline.com---- Studio Fanus (212) 2433178----ENGLISH-- Hipnoz was formed in 2004, in Turkey by Melis Balcilar, Ulas Oral and Anil Emre Gumus when they decided to arrange their compositions. They played in studio for months in order to find their own style in music. As time passed Hipnoz’s sound started to shape and they found the expressions, the movements they want to hear in their music. After, they opened their own Music Perform&Record and Production studio “Studio Fanus” in Beyoglu-Istanbul. With the coming of Burak Yilmaz in Guitar and Mert Ertunc in Bass Guitar Hipnoz shaped its last form. The band released their first demos “Kukla” , "Acimin Adi Ask" and “Anafor” in 2005. By the time they gave several concerts in local pubs of Istanbul. Hipnoz’s music is an influence of deep and dark inner thoughts, intimate details, secret and mystery, the edges of life that cannot be seen in the map of our souls, tragic kingdoms that are build at the age of thirteen and grown in the fields of insanity in Rock-Alternative sound.. Nowadays they are working on both Hipnoz compositions and cover songs, and giving concerts around Istanbul.. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- Contact: www.hipnozonline.com---- info@hipnozonline.com---- www.studiofanus.com---- studiofanus@studiofanus.com

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HipnoZ-Kukla / Barisarock 2007 LiveHipnoz-Maske / Barisarock 2007 Live

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Member Since: 10/2/2006
Band Website: hipnozonline.com
Band Members: MeliS - SeSUlaS - GitarAniL - DavulBurak - GitarMert - Bas Gitar
Influences: Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Madonna, Portishead, Nirvana, U2, Placebo, Muse, Guano Apes, Massive Attack and Danny Elfman.
Sounds Like: Rock, Electronic, Trip-hop, Dance, Psychodelic..
Record Label: Studio Fanus
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Akademi Bülteni HipnoZ Röportajini okumak için TIKLAYINIZ

Posted by HipnoZ on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 05:16:00 PST

Konser ve Organizasyon iletisimleri icin TIKLAYINIZ

Menajerlik: Caglayan Saygili (536) 4646866caglayan_saygili@hotmail.com
Posted by HipnoZ on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 05:51:00 PST