Mike [k9] profile picture

Mike [k9]

we are satan's generation and we don't give a fuck.

About Me

What are you looking for
In this illusion world?
Take your place in the first row
Forget yourself and enjoy the show

Take some time to check out the website of my band...

...or our VampireFreaks account

Our management & promotion partner...

My Interests

I play guitar... the band name's Neon Synthesis. I also used to play violin. I am studying Japanese. I love watching and playing soccer. I am a goalkeeper, and a good one ;). There would be so many things to say, but I'm going to bed now. Good night.

I'd like to meet:

If they weren't all dead, of course...

They made my heart bloom.
"These fragments I have shored against my ruin".


mmm, I don't really know...


...still don't care now...


...or maybe I just don't want to tell you?


am I boring, uh?

My Blog


- Metamorfosi -Il freddo bagliore di una lampada al neon. Una bottiglia vuota. Le ceneri del passato non si sono ancora raffreddate, ma un nuovo paio d'ali sta già spuntando. La metamorfosi è doloros...
Posted by Mike [k9] on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:59:00 PST