THE BUZZ IS SPREADING profile picture


The Buzz Green DaY

About Me

CAPO REGIME ENTERTAINMENT is designed for Los Angeles trendsetting partygoers looking for parties and special events. CAPO REGIME ENTERTAINMENT keeps you aware of new technology and hip-hop news. CAPO REGIME ENTERTAINMENT keeps you in tune with your community. CAPO REGIME ENTERTAINMENT is not just promotions and marketing…It is a lifestyle. It is YOUR lifestyle.

My Interests

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The CAPO REGIME is at it again as we present the BUZZ , Saturday March 29th at the world famous World on Wheels. The BUZZ is dedicated to LA’s grown and sexy partygoers and been keeping LA’s trendsetting in party mode for almost 2 years. We want to change how you party. No longer do you want to go to parties where there no room to move around and the music is terrible. The BUZZ has 12,000 square feet of dance floor with the CAPO REGIME DJs making you move your ass all night! You don’t have to worry about the party getting shut down like those other places. If we say “until 2am”, you better believe it. Over 18,000 partygoers have come to the BUZZ. You don’t want to miss this…Doors open at 10:30pm and early arrival is suggested. Once we reach capacity, you will be extremely upset at yourself for missing the moment. We had artists like J Holiday, Sammie and the Federation drop by just to hang out. We had live performances, provided giveaways and made it shower with dollar bills! CAPO REGIME makes the party jump. This party is for mature party audience only. Security will be strictly enforced. Admission is $12.00 w/current school ID and the flyer and $20 general. Make no mistake; the BUZZ is not a PROMOTION, but a MOVEMENT. Join in and be a part. Need a discount flyer, go to to get a flyer and be informed of parties and special events. W.N.T. WASTE NO TIME!




Damn This Movie StuffThe Buzz Is Going Down Febuary 10, 2006 10:30pm To 2:00am Doors Close At 12Midnight Early Arival will be best


Forget The Television StuffThe Buzz Features Dancing, Skating, TT'S Vergin Wet Bar, & Free Give-A-Ways And Will 93's VIP Room Will Be On Deck.


Books Ok, they are important. But right now The Book is The Buzz Its located AtWorld On Wheels Roller Skating Rink 4645 1/2 Venice Blvd Los Angeles, CA Where Venice & San Vaciente Meet


For More Info On The Buzz Or Call 323.933.5170 Get Your Own! | View Slideshow