Some random facts about me:
-My Fav. Sandwich is PB and Banana
-My first CD's were VH 1984 and The Lion King Soundtrack
-I have a owl thats guards my phone's signal
-I eat my KD with a forlk (NO KETCHUP!)
-My Favorite director is Sam Raimi
-Surgical gear gives me the
Heebee Geebees!
-When I was young my Fav. Colour was red but for some reason I changed it to blue
-I can beat the PEPSI challenge blind folded!
-I think the only thing better than laying in a hammock is laying in a hammock with someone else!
-Chad and I once spent a whole summer playing NBA Jam everyday!
-When I was young i thought cats were all girls and dogs were all boys.
What character from "A Dirty Job" are you?
Minty Fresh
You like to hang in the Backround, and stay calm. You may not like your jobs or responsiblity, but you do them anyway
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