Cirque du Soleil has charmed audiences across the globe for over 20 years and their legacy continues with their most recently created touring show, Corteo.
Corteo, which means procession, will capture your imagination and immerse you into unforgettable experience. The cultural, diverse, and modern music combined with the beautiful artists performing on stage will certainly prove to be an experience that lives up to the high bar of Cirque du Soleil.
Corteo is directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca and is currently touring North America with plans to continue in North America in 2007. In addition to Corteo, Cirque du Soleil also offers a large variety of shows across the globe. Resident shows can be found in New York, Las Vegas, and Orlando while the touring shows visit every corner of the world. All the information on all the Cirque du Soleil shows and how to obtain tickets and a schedule can be found on their official website at .
Please note that the author of this myspace claims no rights to any of the music or photos contained within. The music on this site may be used for the soul purpose of putting it on your personal myspace. Any attempt to recreate, copy, or sell the music so generously provided is illegal and anyone attempting to do so may be criminally prosecuted. If you like this music you are HIGHLY encouraged to visit your local music outlet or the Cirque du Soleil website for detail..s on purchasing the full CD.
Questions or concerns regarding Corteo or any other Cirque du Soleil matters may be directed to this account through mail. I do periodically jump on and check the messages. I hope that you enjoy the music posted, and I hope your friends visiting your page will also enjoy it. Thanks!
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