JAYRIDER profile picture


About Me

Who is Jayrider? a young talented male singer/songwriter born in jamaica that migrated to the bronx. After seven-teen years he became a US citizen and served in the armed force. Jayrider's music reflects his therapy, it's his escape from the struggles in his everyday life. Jayrider as a child was influenced by Bob Marley, Shabba Ranks, Barrington Levy, Sanchez, Tiger and Papa Sand.One example of how Jayrider's music relates to everyday life is in the song "girl". Girl is a portration of a sassy beautiful lady (goodasfidem). Girl also discuss the feelings of a man when first meeting a female in a club. Girl explains the difference between a girl and a gal; A girl always have her head on her body, a gal is down for anything basically a one night stand. Jayriders sound speaks for itself. He has the song writing ability of Beres Hammond and the tone Of Glen Washington. Djs and rides a rythm like no other and thats what makes him Jayrider. Currently Jayrider listens to Alicia Keys, Seal, Shaggy, Usher, Bounty KIlla, Baby Cham along with Toots and The Maytals.In addition to Jayrider's child experiences his mother bought him a guitar at the age of three, and singing from the commercial chucka berry fin thats when he knew he was destined to be a bright star in the music industry.He also found himself being multi-talented as a singer/musician playing the clarinet and the flute instruments on his school choir. Participating in church functions phenominally he sang the song "Jesus Is The Center Of My Joy".In the future Jayrider's dream is to collaborate with the talented songwriter/singer ms. Alicia Keys he has a love for her as a songwriter.

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Member Since: 01/10/2006
Band Website: JayRider.fuzz.com
Influences:I'm Riding On My Quest for love All I need is a key, I will go anywhere to find you; where can you be? It could take an eternity I'm your prince your shining armor LOVE, LOVE, LOVE is all I need I'll take you back to a safer place In my heart you're the only one for me I will never let you go i'm the one and thats no LIE
Record Label: Unsigned

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