Hey, Im Bex, Im 23 years old and I have 2 little padawans Mara Jade and Logan Blake.Mara was born May 5th 06 Logan showed up July 22nd 09. I've been going through the biggest trial i've ever had to face, if it wasn't for my kids I don't think i'd have made it. They are my reason for living. i've also got an amazing husband who I love with all of me, and i mean TRULY love. I had given up on ever finding someone who treated me right, I thought all men were assholes, but then he was sent to me and proved to me what love really is and i realized i had never really been loved before. He's my perfect match, my shoulder to cry on, the love of a lifetime. Finally i have the family i've always wanted :)
I'm a star wars geek and skater chick. I'll ramble on for hours about anything and everything in the Star Wars universe. **NERDGASM** I'm a huge nerd both my children are named after comic book characters Mara after Mara Jade Skywalker in the Star Wars comics and Logan after Wolverine in Marvel comics. I'm just learning how to skate, haven't learned many tricks but i'm getting there. Im also a bit of a gamer, not hardcore or anything but im into all the Star Wars games, Halo, Gears of War, and Rock Band/Guitar Hero. OH and of course MARIO! ONE UP BITCHES!
I'm typically really quiet until i really get to know you, so no im not a huge bitch you just have to get to know me. Trust me if I don't like you, you would know. I'm a fairly complex person at times, i've come to realize i have to be a strong person but yet sometimes i cry at the drop of a hat. If you think you know me judging by choices I have made, i'm sorry but you don't know me at all. Sometimes you have to try all the wrong choices before you realize the right one.
Name: Rebekah Dawn Moore Hughes
Nickname: Beck or Bexx
Birthdate: 03/11/1986
Birthplace: Elijay, GA
Current Location: Coeburn, VA
Screen Name:
[email protected]
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Layered midback
Height: 6"1"
Weight: 165lbs
Piercings/Tattoos: my daughter's name of my right wrist, a celtic band on my left ring finger, ears pierced 3 times each,8's, 10's 12's and the cartilage on my right ear is a 10, both tragus' are 14's, my belly button, my nipples, a monroe, and my nose
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Husband
-What's Your Favorite-
Food: Pizza
Candy: Almond Joy
Non-alcoholic Drink: Red Bull
Alcoholic Drink: Bud Light or Blue Moon
Color: Pink or Black
Animal: Dog
Band: H.I.M
Song Of The Moment: Stay-Shakespeare's Sister
Movie: Clerks 2
Body Part On Opposite Sex: Eyes
Sport: Wrestling
-What's Your..-
Most Missed Memory: when I was truly happy
Best Physical Features: My Eyes, My Smile, My Ass lol
First Thought When You Wake Up: its morning already?
Goal For This Year: get in shape
Weakness: Sex
Fear: Bees and ET
Longest Relationship: 3 years and 5 months
-Have You Ever-
Drank: Yes
Smoked: Yes
Smoked Pot: Yes
Been Beaten Up: Yep
Beaten Someone Up: Nope
Shoplifted: Yes
Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
Ran Away From Home: Does for one night count??
Broken Someone's Heart: Yes
Had Your Heart Broken: Yes
Cried At School: Yeah, when I had to go back to school after one of my classmates had died in a car crash.
-This Or That-
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Coffee or Latte: Coffee
Hug or Kiss: Kiss
Rap or Rock: Rock
Lips or Eyes: Eyes
Quiet or Loud: Quiet
Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
Easy Going or Serious: Easy Going
Summer or Winter: Summer
Car or Truck: Car
Fat or Skinny: Skinny
Looks or Personality: Personality, looks aren't what makes a person attractive.
-In A Guy/Girl-
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Doesn't matter
Hair Length: Long enough to style
Height: Around 6'0
Weight: Well im currently in love with his 6 pack abs :)
Body Type: Tall, Broad shouldered, some what muscular
-Do You-
Want To Go To College: I want to model, its my passion
Want To Get Married: working on my second and last
Want Children:I've had 2 and that's all for me I got my shit cut
Have Your Future Kids Names Planned Out: no more in my future :)
Like Thunderstorms: I Hate them!!
Sing: Only to myself
Play An Instrument: Used to play piano and tryed the guitar, my dream would be to play guitar
Shower Daily: Yep
Think You're Attractive: Nope, I'm Fucking Hotttt :)~
Believe In Yourself: Not usually
Get Along With Your Parents: Yeah, now that I don't live there
Believe In Soul Mates: Yep
Believe In Heaven: Yep sure do
Believe In Hell: Unfortunatly yep
Have You Been To The Mall Lately: Yep
Are You A Health Freak: Nope, only eat take out or frozen
Have You Ever Been In Love: Yes and i've always lost it
What Country Do You Want To Visit: Finland
Number Of Things You Regret: Nothing because I learn a lesson from every mistake I make
How Do You Want To Die: In My Sleep
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Girly Myspace Layouts by MyCuteLyts.com