A girl who is not obsessed with themselves, not afraid to be adventurous and not a cheater (as i have experienced this in the past), basically I would like to meet someone who is down to earth, honest and deep someone I can get lost in conversation with about things other the physicalities of an ignorant life more spiritual things like astrology, conspiricies & philosophies. I believe that i don't need to shower a girl with materialistic stuff, i believe in just laying and talking or laying in silence without...spending...MONEY...which women seem to adore so much (tut tut). I also want someone that will love me for who i am not because she wants to use me as a fashion accessory like most girls tend to do with every guy they go out with (99% of relationships will always f**k up), whoever and wherever this girl is i hope she will be by my side literally even if she don't like the situation. So until i meet someone like that...which is unlikely as nowdays people use the word "love" too loosley and it seems the "love" im thinking of is nothing motr than a fantasy,but given the benefit of the doubt, until I find someone like how I described, "just anyone" won't do, someone told me once that love is like a river and must flow freely without rocks and bumps.