About Me
Welcome to the digital home of the west coast's only waterfront pub. The downsides to visiting our site are that you can't actually taste our food, or sip our beer, or enjoy our truly unique atmosphere, or have a chat with the Monterey locals who call the London Bridge Pub their second home, or hear the great and varied live music, or partake in either of our trivia shows, or sit out on our patio and stare thoughtfully at the marina, or ---you know something? Maybe you should just come by instead.
Active duty military discount (happy hour pricing on all draught beers & well beverages and 10% off of food). We do offer a children's menu comma however: NO MINORS AFTER 10pm (miners ok). We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Travelers Checks, which means NO PERSONAL CHECKS, LIKE, EVER (although personable Czechs are always welcome). We I.D. the heck out of everyone. Have some, or have a Coke. In fact, if you look younger than 93, be prepared to show yours. Your I.D., that is. All contents of this website, including this sentence, Copyright 2002, 2005 by Kelly Burgin. So there.
Click here to see our menu and stuff at lbpmonterey.com