I've been told to get the fuck up and dust myself off and keep pushing ahead!
About Me
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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace SurveysWats up guys and gurls. my name is Chris and i live in a little town called watseka. it fuckn sucs here but i manage. im 21 years old. graduated in 2004 at WCHS. I'm an electrician in training and i love baseball! I attended Kankakkee Comunnity College and also played ball there. I currently play for a semi-pro league. i'm also in a band called sevengates. i love all my band members we get along real well. got a new guitarist named Bobby Lee Buyers. hes fuckn amazing so wen we're out on tour yall gotta check us out! I believe that lifes too short to be depressed. Life is What u make it. I'm nuthn but the positive type. I also love HEAVY ASS RIPPING METAL!!! thats all i listen to. hate rap, hate country, if it aint loud i wont listen to it!I hate Emo kids I think they r nuthing but a bunch of faggot girl clothes wearing pussys! Been knockn them dead since 1986. i guess u can call me a hardcore guy. i'm one of the most honest guys out there, i'l tell u how it is. I don't take shit from no one. and i dont talk shit to know one. if i do itl be in ur face. thats how i role. haha. i love my family, my mom dad and my brother. my parents have done nothing but the best 4 me and i love them to death! well thats me in a nutshell. Rock Out with ur cock out!
My Interests
Mixed Martial Arts, My band, basesball
I'd like to meet:
Your Mom
HEAVY METAL!!!!!!!!!!
The contender, The Ultimate Fighter
Moby Fuckn Dic!
Ryne Sandberg, Johan Santana, Jamie Jasta, Dimebag Darryl, Zakk Wylde, mom, dad, brother cody, Mohammed Ali
My Blog
Fight night at the cage
Robbie Simms vs Chris Brutlag. Robbie comes off of three big wins. I question his training ethics. Chris is a new comer. Hes 0-0 but very athletic in appearance. he seems eager to fight. Robbie as alw... Posted by Never Beaten, Never Broken! on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:00:00 PST
More metal than your moms teakettle!!!! My name is chris and Im an MMa fighter that loves heavy fuckin metal!!! For all u people that are hardcore like me and wanna c a fight come check me out.&n... Posted by Never Beaten, Never Broken! on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 03:59:00 PST