My interests are to understand why a person gets so upset over the stupieds things...But other then that Computer Arts~i also like pie~.. Status Icons
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I'd like to meet GOD...and see if he is really...I would say to God.."Yo Why you be hinding from me, I asked you nicely to do something for me and you never did it, So what happend Yo Dont let me find out you never listen to me"....Well thats who i would like to meet.~I'M STUPID DONT LISTEN TO ME~
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I like everything and yes I know people hate it when Others say that and I understand who wants someone who cant make up there mind on music. So I'll just tell you want i listen to the most...80's Music 90's Music and Hip-Hop/PopRIGHT NOW I'LL LISTEN TO A TRASH CAN rolling down the streetProvided by ..
Oh i love seeing Scary movies...With Blood etc...I love being scary even if it kills me...But i also like funny movies ones that you still talk about the next day or take a joke or 2 from the movie.
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Okay...before I would watch TV a lot but thats old news I dont watch that much Tv dont find time...But when I do I watch Family Guy, The Simpsons...things that make me laugh.
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I do like reading Books...Mostly ones i can relate to or ones that i can say that sounds a lot like one of my friends...
I dont have any Heroes...Becuz so far in my life everyone I've been around has only done Stupid stuff so when I find one I'll tell you...MY HEROE IS DIP IN DOTS IF THATS HOW YOU SPELL IT!! they had an drink i once loved but they took it away from that drink is my heroI love my mother to death!!!She Crazy az ShitPARTY!!!!!!I LOVE HIM SO MUCH gir rocks