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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, kissers and huggers, lovers and snugglers welcome to the one place on the web you can learn about me!How many words can use to describe myself before you start drolling at the mouth, quivering with emotion, tip tapping your feet or turning your computer off?Splendiferous, charismatic, soulful, optimistic, pacifying, truthful, charming, enigmatic, reliable, friendly, trustworthy, youthful, compelling, soulful, poignant, alluring, creative, patient, mysterious, hardworking, illustrious, devoted, responsive, sexy, mannered, eccentric, charitable, playful, humorous, expressive, unfathomable, ineffable AND IRONICALLY ARROGANT!Well I am splendiferous!Background By myspacemaster.net MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

NICK'S MARVELOUS MEDICINE: Take chunky amount of people who will inspire, respect and challenge me - young shoots are best, but i do use whatever is in the Myspace cupboard! Then add a deliciously healthy handful of old friends and old foes with a twist of fate. Season well with the finest herbs and a little smidgen of juice, place in the mixer and heat warmly through. SERVES ALL!

My Blog

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