I love Danielle always and forever, I promise profile picture

I love Danielle always and forever, I promise

I love my baby! Nothing will change that! 3/36/07. Always and Forever Babe These are the eyes of tru

About Me

My name is Collin. I am 14 and am in 9th grade. I am told I am really tall so I guess I am. Sports are what occupy most of my time. Every season is a new sport. Football, paintball, and basketball are my best and favorites. True friends don't come around very often. You know I have thought about this a lot. I have my guy friends I consider bros, I have my little siters, I have my best friends. There are lots of those but only a few true friends. I know who they are and I thank them for being around for me. You can be a bro and a sis but you know if your a true friend or not. I love ya guys. Right now I am in the perfect relationship. Its everything you could ever want and so much more. Danielle is so amazing. I love her so much. She will always be my babe. Her and I are going to make it forever. She is the girl for me and there is no other. Dani and I enjoy being together. All of my day is spent thinking about her and how beautiful and amazing she is. She is funny, artistic, smart, acts like herself around me, she loves me, she is enjoyable and fun to be around, I can always talk to her, and she is just perfect for me, the one special soul mate you have in the world, I have found mine. Its Danielle. My favorite thing in the world is to just be with her and holding her Having her in my arms feels so right and I love her so much. We have the perfect relationship. No matter what happens we stay strong and together. When ever something wrong happens her and I talk it out and stand by each other and we fix our fights right after we are done fighting. She is the love of my life. I will always stand by her. Nothing will ever change how I feel about her. She is the girl for me and I will never leave her side. I will take her above all else. Her and I can make it through it all and will stay together forever. I love you Dani! Your so amazing babe! Also, we take care of each other when we are sick or upset. She took me in when all others turned their backs on me and I will never forget that. I would sell my soul and die for this girl. She is my everything. She is my world. Dani is my gf, wife to be, best friend, hero, monster, pain in the butt, babe, baby, guardian angel, and just my world and why I get up everyday and continue to live.
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My Interests

I am mainly interested in sports. Football is my favorite. Friends are life. They rock. Keep me entertained and do funny shit with me. Before all that comes my gf. Everything revolves around her. She comes first for me. Quotes I like and feel close to: " I am the captain of my soul I am the commander of my fate" anonymous"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr."In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -Martin Luther King Jr."Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter the most." -Martin Luther King Jr.In periods of poverty and perseverance we prevail, in times of turbulence we must show tenacity and triumph.

I'd like to meet:

I have met all the people I need right now. I have great friends and an amazing gf. Who else is there to meet?


What ever I feel like listening to. Sublime is probably my favorite band. I like a lot of rock and rap.


There are too many. I just love movies. Movies are only good when your with your chica.


I don't watch to much tv. Lost is probably the only show I really like. Also Bam's Unholy Union.


My Brother Sam is Dead and the Outsiders. Anything I can relate too.


Danielle C. York - Thats right she is my hero and she is a York to me. She is my family. She is my baby and we will make our own family some day. I love you baby! Your so amazing and there is never a dull moment with you and I love that. Dani is the perfect girl. You can't get better than what I have so might as well stop trying to match her or get better because its not possible. She is a one of a kind girl and she is all mine. I am thankful for everyday I have her. I will always love her and stand by her. I have committed my life to her and she has committed hers to mine. She will be my wife some day. Dani is so amazing and beautiful. She is my baby. I love her so much. She stays on my mind 24/7. We are like juicy juice, 100%. lol. We have so many inside jokes that her and I die laughing about. She is so funny and awesome to be with. I wouldn't ever trade it in. I love to just hold her in my arms and talk to her. Dani is so easy to talk to and I can't lie to her. I love her so much and wont hold anything from her. Talking to her is my favorite thing in the world. I love you baby! ahhh its dani =] just letting you know collin i love you so much and were always gonna be together no matter what. forever, i promise, and screw the skanks that dont think we can make it ♥ your my hero and thats never gonna change!!