peaches, anchors, books, blow pops, kissing, getting high on life, tour de france, helicopter, nintendo, puppy, fruit fruit mango, hold the salt, quoting pulp fiction, disposable cameras, zombies, my journal, cocaine, collecting tiny random toys, real personalities, dance parties, bananas, bunnies, snails, black light, peace signs, photography, beer pong, log cabins, random tattoos, the woods, tic tacs, bluegrass, sand, peaches, the 60's, walking, dinosaurs, mario, sadie g, small towns, writing lyrics on random objects, animals, going to church, bottled water, babies, German, grapefruits and sugar, pears, brown eyes, brown sugar, Creme Brulee, stars, ale-8-one, rootbeer, trees, lightning bolts, smiley faces, guitars, bamboo trees, squirrels, bunnies, "I'm getting braids... its crazy", my tiny little eraser that is shaped like fries, crickets, cricket noises, the ziggy & cliff domingo show, trampolines, the moon, subway, FROGS, the park, sea shells, suit cases, photography, lit fire places & candles, saying "lizard", puzzles, storms, buddies, no electricity, blowing bubbles, ghost stories, proper grammar, flowers, wake and bakkkke, "skunks", Iceland, autumn leaves, fields, lava lamps, my yellow bandana, gigantic glasses, bubble baths, harry potter, Elliott Smith, Alice in Wonderland, having barefeet, tiny white houses, big beds, and the list goes on.
No thanks. I've already met him.
bluegrass, bluegrass, and more bluegrass, grunge, southern, anything from the 60's and 70's, punk rock, rap, hardcore, experimental, techno, ambient, indie, classic rock, christian. I guess anything really.
Almost Famous!!! Braveheart, Harlan County War, Harry Potter Series, Elizabethtown, Dazed and Confused, 300, American Beauty, Interview With The Vampire, Forest Gump, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Garden State, Troy, Vanilla Sky, The Virgin Suicides, The Guardian, 28 Days Later, Star Wars, Smoking Aces, Blow, LOTR (all of them), The Royal Tenenbaums, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, SLC Punk, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, Sweet November, City of Angels
Discovery, Travel, and History channel.
I also love Sex and The City. I don't really know why.
Harry Potter, The Catcher in The Rye, 1984, To Kill A Mockingbird, Edgar Allen Poe stuff, The Outsiders, That Was Then This Is Now, The Perks of Being a Wallfower, Go Ask Alice, The Hiding Place.
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my mum. :)