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A lady that loves me for who i am
I like all music
Anything funny
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 94%
Romance - 43%
Self - Control - 79%
Kissing - 51%
Cuddling - 42%
Kinkiness - 44%
This fun quiz by KillianO - Taken 5631 Times.
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[first name] Shawn
[middle name] Patrick
[age] 20
[marital status] Single
[birth place] Pittsburgh
[hair] Blondish Brown
[eyes] Blue
[lefty or righty] Righty
[best physical feature] Eyes
[most missed memory] None
[biggest fear] CLOWNS
[weakness] None
[parents still together] Never
[siblings] 1 Sister
[pets] 1 Dog
[color] Green
[number] 5 or 23
[animal] dog
[movie] Remember the Titans
[sport] Baseball or Basketball
[drink] Southern Comfort!!!!
[soda] Mountain Dew
[flower[ Ahhh
....Have you ever?
[been in love] Yes recently
[been in a fist fight] Not since i was like 10
[broken someone's heart] nope
[had your heart broken] Yes all the time
[been cheated on] No
[done something you regret] Probaly
[cheated on someone] Never
[want someone you couldn't have] All the time
[lied to someone] Probaly
[been in lust] Yea
[held a gun] Yea
who was the last person....
[talked to on the phone] Scuff
[talked to on the comp] Kayla
[hugged] Tracy......prob the last one
[kissed] ????
[txt'd msged you] Kayla
[told you they loved you] My mom
[you yelled @] My 9-11 year old basketball team
....Friends *n* life
[best friend] Anth,Tad and Scuff
[friend that acts the most like you]
[loudest] Cory
[best feeling in the world] Pussy
[worst feeling in the world] Gettin ur heart broken
[clothing] Sweatpants and a thermal
[mood] Upset
[what you smell like] Curve (P.P)
[hair] Messy
[current thing I ought to be doing] Nothin
~do you~
[have tattoo's] no
[piercings] 3
[like roller coasters] yea
[believe in miracles] sometimes
[wish you could live somewhere else] yea
[ever get off the damn computer] yea
[remember your first love] Yea
[still love them] Yea
[wear hats] sometimes
[have an obsessin] naw
[collect anything] Sports Cards
[believe in love @ first sight] Kind of
[believe in "the one"] Yea
....are you
[tease] Not really
[too shy to make the first move] Yes
[day dreamer] No
[bitch] naw
[sarcastic] Yea
[shy] Sometimes
[who makes you smile the most] She did but i duno nemore
[laugh the most] alot of people
[who do you have a crush on] Haha im still in love wit her every1 knows
[# of things you regret] 1
in the opposite sex
[hair color] Brunette
[eye color] Doesnt matter
[shorter or taller] shorter than me
[older or younger] Younger
[skin color] Dont matter
[features] Nice Booty
all sports and anything funny
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My grandfather