Slim Flaherty profile picture

Slim Flaherty

Slim Flaherty

About Me

My name is Shawn im 20 years old and im single ladies hollar!!!!I work at magee rec center and currently lookin for the right girl it always seems the girls that i like usually end up not liking me for some reason so i havent found the right lady yet so get at me ladies!!!If u wanna chat im me @ gfpimp0469

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

A lady that loves me for who i am


I like all music


Anything funny
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 94%
Romance - 43%
Self - Control - 79%
Kissing - 51%
Cuddling - 42%
Kinkiness - 44%
This fun quiz by KillianO - Taken 5631 Times. Easy Money from Home! Get your share!
[first name] Shawn
[middle name] Patrick
[age] 20
[marital status] Single
[birth place] Pittsburgh
[hair] Blondish Brown
[eyes] Blue
[lefty or righty] Righty
[best physical feature] Eyes
[most missed memory] None
[biggest fear] CLOWNS
[weakness] None
[parents still together] Never
[siblings] 1 Sister
[pets] 1 Dog
[color] Green
[number] 5 or 23
[animal] dog
[movie] Remember the Titans
[sport] Baseball or Basketball
[drink] Southern Comfort!!!!
[soda] Mountain Dew
[flower[ Ahhh
....Have you ever?
[been in love] Yes recently
[been in a fist fight] Not since i was like 10
[broken someone's heart] nope
[had your heart broken] Yes all the time
[been cheated on] No
[done something you regret] Probaly
[cheated on someone] Never
[want someone you couldn't have] All the time
[lied to someone] Probaly
[been in lust] Yea
[held a gun] Yea
who was the last person....
[talked to on the phone] Scuff
[talked to on the comp] Kayla
[hugged] Tracy......prob the last one
[kissed] ????
[txt'd msged you] Kayla
[told you they loved you] My mom
[you yelled @] My 9-11 year old basketball team
....Friends *n* life
[best friend] Anth,Tad and Scuff
[friend that acts the most like you]
[loudest] Cory
[best feeling in the world] Pussy
[worst feeling in the world] Gettin ur heart broken
[clothing] Sweatpants and a thermal
[mood] Upset
[what you smell like] Curve (P.P)
[hair] Messy
[current thing I ought to be doing] Nothin
~do you~
[have tattoo's] no
[piercings] 3
[like roller coasters] yea
[believe in miracles] sometimes
[wish you could live somewhere else] yea
[ever get off the damn computer] yea
[remember your first love] Yea
[still love them] Yea
[wear hats] sometimes
[have an obsessin] naw
[collect anything] Sports Cards
[believe in love @ first sight] Kind of
[believe in "the one"] Yea
....are you
[tease] Not really
[too shy to make the first move] Yes
[day dreamer] No
[bitch] naw
[sarcastic] Yea
[shy] Sometimes
[who makes you smile the most] She did but i duno nemore
[laugh the most] alot of people
[who do you have a crush on] Haha im still in love wit her every1 knows
[# of things you regret] 1
in the opposite sex
[hair color] Brunette
[eye color] Doesnt matter
[shorter or taller] shorter than me
[older or younger] Younger
[skin color] Dont matter
[features] Nice Booty


all sports and anything funny


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My grandfather