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Build your own Blingee
I just about listen to all rap and r&b music Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Click here to make Falling Objects Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy
My favorite movies are "love & basketball", "two can play that game"and "baby boy"
B.E.T, UPN, CSI, lifetime, and VH1(dat good ole flavor of love and I love new york)
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Brandy P. Daye
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: dk. brown
Height: 5' 2"
Shoe Size: 7
Ring Size: 6
Heritage: african american, indian, irish
Graduating Year: 2008
Birthdate: 12-10-89
Zodiac Sign: sagitarius
Concert: Scream Tour 4
Best Friend: ?
Crush: ?
Pet: dog
Sport: basketball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: hell naw
Bungee Jumped: naw
Gone out of the Country: yup
Beaten Someone Up: hell yeah
Gotten Beat Up: nope
Killed an Animal: no
Swam in the Ocean: yeah
Broke the Law: yeah
Smoked: no
Chewed Tobacco: hell naw
Drank: i tried
Been Kissed: yeah
Been In Love: yeah
Dumped Someone: yup
Been Dumped: nope
Broken Someone's heart: i dont think so
Had Your Heart Broken: uhhhhh???
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: no
Broken A Bone: yeah
Had Surgery: yeah
Had an X-ray or MRI: yup
Failed a Class: no
Color: blue
Food: burgers
Drink: ice tea
Cereal: rice krispies
Ice Cream: chocloate
Candy: jolly ranchers
Restaurant: red lobster
Fast Food Place: wendy's
Store: DEMO
Animal: dog
Quote: " I GUESS"
Sport To Play: basketball
Sport To Watch: basketball
Movie: Love & Basketball
TV Show: 106 & Park
Type Of Music: R&B
Singer: whitney houston... back in the day
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate
Cake or Ice Cream: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King: burger king
Love or Money: Money 1st Love 2nd
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: mom
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: face
Personality or Looks: both
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Short or Tall: tall
Romanic or Spontaneous: both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: both.. it depends
Feeling: in a good mood
Listening To: my cousin talking (bebe)
Wanna: go to a party
Doing Besides Typing: talkin to my cousin bout all these damn questions
Thinking About: this weekend
Wearing: why?... a T and sum shorts
In Love: yeah
Single: kinda
Best Friends: ?
...::The Future::...
Career: business woman
Marriage: yeah
Kids: yeah 2
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuiz
Addicted, Flyy Girl & Sisters of APF
God, da momz and grandma