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About Me

Im MAD, well I must be to be doing this!lol;) Ok not really, Im a 40ish yr old mother of two boys whose been happily married for 17 years(to the same man!lol)I live somewhere in the UK.... I cant remember where... so you'll have to bear with me there!lol:p I have been looking for something to do as I have now given up my job as a Playgroup Assistant! This looked like fun so HERE I AM!WELCOME TO MY SPACE! As you can see I am fun-loving and friendly, the life & soul of the party, apparently! My daily mantra is............I live to love, I love to live,And all that I have is all that I giveTo wake up each morning and make someone smile Makes my life worth living, my existence worthwhile!To be who I am, not someone Im not!To be patient and caring, and give All that I've got!This is who I am, there is nothing more Afterall, to bring HAPPINESS is what I'm HERE for!.........I see myself as a person who can get on with most, if not all, of the people I come into contact with. My one failing is that I CARE TOO MUCH about others, and little about myself! I radiate light but can be dark as night, the darkness I hide inside is rarely seen but is cold, deep & mean Im not one to be crossed lightly. GRRRRRR!LOL
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Darren Hayes - to ask him why he didnt like the film AI by Stephen Speilberg?Jenson Button & Lewis Hamilton(F1 racing drivers!)- for advice on driving! Cher - Hair tips!Madonna - to ask about ageing and how to avoid it!Princes Harry & William - just to shake their hands!Richard Hammond(top Gear presenter)- more advice on driving........ Jeremy Clarkson MAD!!(see Im not evil!)Nelson Mandella - just becos he's a hero!Michael Jackson - to ask why? Oh there are so many people I would like to meet and for soooo many reasons the above are a few and in no particular order!;) ions/DVD_BANNER_small.jpgThis Delicate Film Weve Made

My Blog

The things we do for our friends..........

What would YOU do for your best friend? Anything as long as it was legal & not immoral?  Well let me explain this title.......... Most people have mundane uneventful Mondays, well this M...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:29:00 GMT

Christmas - not in my House!!!!

  A Poem about whats happening here right now......     The festive season is upon us The shops are full of toys The tinsel, trees & baubles To excite all the girls and the boy...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 10:59:00 GMT

TAKE THAT!!! - I did and I like it!!!!

...........It really is a BEAUTIFUL WORLD!!!!! I am loving the album! I downloaded it on Thursday and now cant stop listening to it!!!!! However, I have had to give it a rest for the sake of the child...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 13:12:00 GMT

Decision made!!! - NEW YEAR NEW START!

    Last night I changed my life - forever!   I know that sounds a bit drastic but I feel I have reached a pivotal point in my life where I could go either forward or backward and Im ho...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 13:13:00 GMT


Hi Folks sorry I've been away for so long here's why......     Im at a point in my life where I have a choice to make about the rest of it.   I have to decide whether to change my job, ...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 14:02:00 GMT

WAYHAY!!!!!!!!! I did it!!!!

I  MASTERED MY MP3 PLAYER!!!!!!!! I cant believe I actually got it to work 1st time without any help from my hubby!!!! I have mastered technology! DOES THAT MAKE ME A FREAK?????????? Or just norm...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:34:00 GMT

Bill Wyman & The Rhythm Kings

OMG they were Fantastic!!!!! I wasnt sure when my sister-in-law invited me to go with her But I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Im not really a Rhythm & Blues person but this Gr...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 01:39:00 GMT

Waste Of Time!

Life's been hectic of late and I feel that time is slipping away from me and I have no control over it! I've also noticed that..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What once was fun is no...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 13:21:00 GMT

Moving swiftly on.........he he!

Puppets, well I think this one has to give them a miss, I too am in agreement with my very good friend, Puppet Mania has struck....... .....AND I DONT LIKE IT!       ...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:47:00 GMT


I have seen a few in my time but I think a CERTAIN puppet has caught my eye! It got me to thinking what other puppets do I know who are FAMOUS(or infamous!)  SOOTY - has to be the most obvi...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 14:12:00 GMT