Any music with loud, badly played guitars, crappy TV, softcore porn, and developing the perfect hangover remedy.
I really like guitar gear also. Of all my guitars my favorites are my Frankenstrat, my '84 tele, and my '95 LP Standard, cherry sunburst. I also have a Martin acoustic, a couple of melody makers (love those, as I am a replacements freak!) a gibson SG, my original '74 strat hardtail, an ibanez archtop, '51 reissue p-bass, a buncha other guitars that never get out of the back of the closet, and the world's cheapest banjo, which I can't play worth a crap.
Ampwise I have a couple of Deluxe Reverbs (a '65 reissue and a REAL '65, which I never play) a crate 50 watter (which actually sounds pretty good), a few low watt practise amps which are mostly crap, and the greatest amp of all time, my Soldano SLO-100. I'll tell you, ya plug that LP Standard into the Soldano, turn it up a bit and you will SWEAR you are in Thin Lizzy! ;-)
Pedals and effects? Fuck those things! Although I have to admit I love my pod... sad but true.
Right now I am building a cigar box guitar, and it's coming out pretty well. I'll post pics when it is done.
Lewis and Clark, Agamemnon, Christopher Cross, Colonel Sanders, That Guy With One Arm Who Drums For Def Leppard, Lee Harvey Osmond (the retarded Osmond, was never in the band), Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond, Mayor McCheese, former State Assemblyman Tarky Lombardi, Odin, Henry VII (he is so neglected!), and Barack Obama.
Actually, I have met lots of famous people, some were awesome, and some not so, but the only starfucking I'd like to do is I'd like to buy lunch for Debbie Harry. And just have lunch with her. Really.
What bands do I love? Firstly, and above all others, these fuckers here:
These days my favorite band is Wilco, which is really The Replacements For Old Farts (like me).
Also of critical importance:
The Clash
The Dictators
Dead Boys
...and you get the picture.
But I don't love all the bands of that era. I am one of the few who thinks Television is overrated tripe and that Patti Smith made about 5 great records and the rest was horrible arsty-fartsy overindulgence...
I think the Pixies ruined punk rock more than Malcolm McLaren did, and I think U2 and The Police are the worst bands ever. And yes I mean that.
I also have a soft spot for PowerPop, like The Jags, The Raspberries, The Records, Big Star, Cheap Trick, Groovies, and Syracuse's treasure, The Flashcubes.
Songwriting wise I worship Westerberg, Tweedy, and Costello, three guys who are masters of the craft.
And lastly, at age 42, I finally came to terms with the undeniable greatness of The Beatles. And Paul McCartney's bass playing.
Other stuff I like: Thin Lizzy (very underrated songwriting there! Listen again!) AC/DC, Steve Earle, Elvis C., Uncle Tupelo, Al Green, Elf, Del Lords, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Waldos, George Jones, Otis Rush, Parliament, The Enemies, Jason and the Scorchers, Jonathan Richman, Asleep At The Wheel, Commander Cody, They Might Be Giants (sorry!), The Yayhoos, and Wreck'N'Crew!
By the way, that insufferable racket you hear is my band doing "Brockway", a song I wrote. You can find a few more by us at Visit our The Majoras MySpace Page.
I've also got a country punk ("Cowpunk" if you wanna) band. Go visit us here:
The Stoner Mountain Gospel Hour MySpace Page.
Right now I am playing bass with the power known as SAVAGE ROOSTER!. We've got some gigs coming up at The Lakeside Lounge and Otto's Shrunken Head. Come out and see us... if'n you dare. We're actually pretty good!
Check out my friends for links to more music I like. Trust me, my taste is impeccable. It's way better than yours!
Bikini Carwash, Bikini Carwash II, (it answered all the un-answered questions, much better than Godfather II). The Great Bikini Offroad Adventure, Bikini Airways, Bikini Bistro, and Sophie's Choice.
Test Patterns and Monster House. And The Office, both versions.
Holy crap, I also saw this recently... coolest thing ever. Too bad I don't stay up late enough top watch Conan. Youngsters, I present to you:
Rawk Guitar Playing 101:
Books? Are you serious?
Well in case you are, I like William Kennedy, Pete Dexter, Nick Tosches(damn he's good!), Peter Guralnick, Mark Leyner, Chester Himes, Doctorow, and most of all John Steinbeck.
But these days I read mostly history books and musicology books. I probably have the largest collection of punk rock books in the world, for whatever that is worth! Reading about punk rock is like singing about porno... but there ya go.
I only have one hero: Our Greatest Living American: ROBERT "BOBCAT" CATALANO.............
Ok, you all know that is a joke! My guitar idols are Johnny Thunders, Ross The Boss and Top Ten (it's like PB&J!) Warner Hodges, Bob Stinson, Ray Benson, Dave Feinstein, Cheetah Chrome, MALCOLM Young (yes malc is the real talent in AC/DC, just ask his brother!) and Earl Letiecq (The Effigies), who was the first truly great guitarist I ever saw.