ania profile picture


you're right if you're feel the best things in life are free and simple, minimal knitted - coming do

About Me

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My Interests

music's always around me, visiting concerts and dive into diff. atmospheres; discovering new sounds; yoga, joggen, basketball; party & relaxation; healthy & delicious food; cooking; exchanging with nice and charming people; different cultures p.ex. asian departure; spiritual meanings of live; reading;

I'd like to meet:

"träumende, vielschichtige, undurchsichtige, begeisterte, melancholische, elektronische, vorrausschauende - metabolische, musikbesessene emotionale wesen dieses universums"


will appear in the next days, because of so many influences need their adequate time to mention...


Million Dollar Hotel, Broken Flowers, Sixth Sense, The Unbreakeble, Tiger and Dragon


sometimes comedy, but almost runs bullshit


Nada Brahma - Die Welt ist Klang