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I am here for Friends

About Me

< Who The Hell Is That?
I'm Pippa. I hate my full name, so you can just stick with Pippa. I'm not very good at writing these "about me" sections, because I don't want to sound self-obsessed. I'm not one to make a fuss over little things, life's too short. I like to think I'm mature for my age, but I am still a kid in some respects and I have the right to act like one from time to time. Back To The Future and Forrest Gump are my favourite movies. I love music, it's what gets me through the day. I like loud music, that gets in your head and won't budge for a week and a half. Even if it's a over-pierced, over-tattooed, sweaty man screaming in my ear - I love it. I'm kind of set in my ways - at the risk of sounding old - and you're not going to change me. sorry. I make mistakes the same as the next person, but I'm not a bad person. I'm quite nice if you get to know me. I'm friendly, so don't be scared to press that "add" button (; . I dislike people who are obsessed with appearances. I have strong beliefs, but I won't make a fuss if you disagree with them. A little bit of friendly banter never hurt anyone (; . I do not live on the internet, I have a life - but I will always comment/accept you if you are nice (:
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Uh...Marty McFly?

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