ÐÝÑÃMÎÇ ÐɧÎ ™ profile picture


d[-_-]b sXe d[-_-]b

About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



First off;; the name is Desi, i'm 18 years young, i'm still a virgin and i'm single; also i'm 5'6 and I weigh 108. I used to have snake bites; {{ MIGHT GET THEM AGAIN }}. i'm a pretty simple kid who lives in a small town; I don't think too much of myself like most girls do. i'm really nice, i "try" not to pass judgment on other people; my friends & family mean the world to me. I want to become a wildlife biologist when I go to college in a few years, I love music as much as I love life. I try to make my life, the best of it. I don't do wank !@&#035 drugs, or drink, from my point of view of what I've seen in life when people do those stupid things, they get into so much shit it's sad.i'm dead prude; & if you think it's dumb pff that's your judgement & i really don't !@*% care for it;; I believe in loseing my first to the guy i love, && etc, i don't believe in fashion rules; i wear what i please. i'm a very clean person; i dislike kool-aid & anything that is red you can eat or drink. i'm still a kid learning as i grow, i'm dead "SHY" when it comes down to meeting new people. i'm sorry, I would like in the future have my own family;; i'm not much of a people person; i'm 100% black haha. I'm still in school, High school to be exact! nothing is wrong with that haha! i love watching animal planet and any kind of anime, i'm not into the whole drama thing; so take it somewhere else. i have always loved animals ever since i was little. my idol is Steve Iwin; i miss him so much {R.I.P} love you loads. i'm in love with pandas they makez me happy ^ w ^"; I love my Rabbit {Landon} & my kitten {Spazz} & my doggie {Snoopy} they're grand :). i love to play video games, i like drinking coffee it's dead great it makez me slap happy lol; I love asian boys; haha who doesn't! i'm super random at all times!, I like reading manga & other books, i love everything there is about japan; i wanna move there one day; it's really pretty there (: I love food; YUMMIE! ^ w ^"I want to find that so called thing people call true love, i wanna feel wanted; loved. also i want to become someone important; not as in famous; but just important to be notice at times. i wanna move out of Ohio & travel the world & see new things. i don't want to be scared anymore to take new chances; i wanna become a zoologist & help the aniamls in need. i want to lose more weight, i wanna have a high self of steam. i want to meet less stuck up people; i want to get a great job & donate $8,785 dollars to WWF someday; i want to make new & approved friends out there! i always wanted to get accepted for who i am then be judged on my looks? i want jesus to love me for !@#$%^&* once! i would like to become a vegan & never touch eat ever again; i just want to play in the rain & feel free and careless. i would like for my mom to stop drinking 24/7. I want my life to be decent enough to live. I want to be good enough for someone. I would like to live far away from all this drama here in painesville >_<". I would like to start my own family with that one guy who will always be there for me, I wanna make a perfect effect on a guy's life. I hate drama please keep it to yourself. i'm not perfect; i do have loads of flaws xD hahaha!!!MY MSN;; ADD ME IF YOU WANT ♥ -> : DESI_IS_XCORE_SIKE@hotmail.com


This boy makes
me smile no matter what mood i'm in
he makes my world go round.
I Love him to death.


My Blog


[ POOKIE BEAR] My Cody; I love This boy to death no joke, he has been there for me through thick and thin. He is the best i never knew somthing as great as cody; I mean i known him for some time now...
Posted by ÐÝÑÃMÎÇ ÐɧΠ™ on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:57:00 PST


        [MY PERFECT ADAM LOVE]                       He is the greatest...
Posted by ÐÝÑÃMÎÇ ÐɧΠ™ on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 02:59:00 PST


  [R.I.P MORGAN]  I love you to death, you was the best guy i was ever myspace married to you was so nice, and sweet and i fucking adore every moment i was talking to you; and i hope you ca...
Posted by ÐÝÑÃMÎÇ ÐɧΠ™ on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 07:02:00 PST