First off;; the name is Desi, i'm 18 years young, i'm still a virgin and i'm single; also i'm 5'6 and I weigh 108. I used to have snake bites; {{ MIGHT GET THEM AGAIN }}. i'm a pretty simple kid who lives in a small town; I don't think too much of myself like most girls do. i'm really nice, i "try" not to pass judgment on other people; my friends & family mean the world to me. I want to become a wildlife biologist when I go to college in a few years, I love music as much as I love life. I try to make my life, the best of it. I don't do wank !@# drugs, or drink, from my point of view of what I've seen in life when people do those stupid things, they get into so much shit it's sad.i'm dead prude; & if you think it's dumb pff that's your judgement & i really don't !@*% care for it;; I believe in loseing my first to the guy i love, && etc, i don't believe in fashion rules; i wear what i please. i'm a very clean person; i dislike kool-aid & anything that is red you can eat or drink. i'm still a kid learning as i grow, i'm dead "SHY" when it comes down to meeting new people. i'm sorry, I would like in the future have my own family;; i'm not much of a people person; i'm 100% black haha. I'm still in school, High school to be exact! nothing is wrong with that haha! i love watching animal planet and any kind of anime, i'm not into the whole drama thing; so take it somewhere else. i have always loved animals ever since i was little. my idol is Steve Iwin; i miss him so much {R.I.P} love you loads. i'm in love with pandas they makez me happy ^ w ^"; I love my Rabbit {Landon} & my kitten {Spazz} & my doggie {Snoopy} they're grand :). i love to play video games, i like drinking coffee it's dead great it makez me slap happy lol; I love asian boys; haha who doesn't! i'm super random at all times!, I like reading manga & other books, i love everything there is about japan; i wanna move there one day; it's really pretty there (: I love food; YUMMIE! ^ w ^"I want to find that so called thing people call true love, i wanna feel wanted; loved. also i want to become someone important; not as in famous; but just important to be notice at times. i wanna move out of Ohio & travel the world & see new things. i don't want to be scared anymore to take new chances; i wanna become a zoologist & help the aniamls in need. i want to lose more weight, i wanna have a high self of steam. i want to meet less stuck up people; i want to get a great job & donate $8,785 dollars to WWF someday; i want to make new & approved friends out there! i always wanted to get accepted for who i am then be judged on my looks? i want jesus to love me for !@#$%^&* once! i would like to become a vegan & never touch eat ever again; i just want to play in the rain & feel free and careless. i would like for my mom to stop drinking 24/7. I want my life to be decent enough to live. I want to be good enough for someone. I would like to live far away from all this drama here in painesville >_<". I would like to start my own family with that one guy who will always be there for me, I wanna make a perfect effect on a guy's life. I hate drama please keep it to yourself. i'm not perfect; i do have loads of flaws xD hahaha!!!MY MSN;; ADD ME IF YOU WANT ♥ -> : DESI_IS_XCORE_SIKE@hotmail.com
This boy makes
me smile no
matter what mood
i'm in
he makes my world go round.
I Love him to death.