Dancing, Clubbing, Cruising, and recently Real Estate. Visiting the Islands? Enjoy Hawai'i at its finest!! My family owns and manages Luxury Vacation Rentals, check it out!!
CaLperNia aDDams, LindsAy LohAn, deSigNated dRiveRs, tHe osBourne faMiLy, aNd mEet up wIth J. SioFeLe oNce aGaiN~.. prEttY muCh aNyOne & eVeryOne... tHe wHoLe shaBang!!
ThoSe sonGs thAt yOu toTaLLy bust ouT yOur moVes on, buT yOu're in yOur rOom wiTh tHe doOr LockEd so nOboDy cAn sEe yOu aCtin' a fOoL.. & oF couRse tHe sLow jaMz tHat maKe yOu dePressed buT in a haPpy waY.. ???.. ya kNow whAt i mEan daNgiT.. aNd reGGae fOr thOse tiMes oF reLaxatiOn w/ friEnds *wiNk*wInk*
MuShy mOvies: TiTanic.. THe NoTebOok.. SoLdieR's GirL (musT seE).. & aLL da sCary Ones
HaRry PoTter.. yEs I said HarrY PottEr!! shuT uP sTop LauGhing biYatch!! haha~..