motorcycles, graphic design, programming languages, cool looking installations, vacuum formed plastic, blue foam, asian girls, architecture
divisadero, eagle seagull, modest mouse, band of horses, nouvelle vague, the henry clay people, jason molina, pas/cal, asobi seksu, the shins, architecture in helsinki, apples in stereo, the samples, clap your hands say yeah, the ladybug transistors, the decemberists, the hard tomorrows, the weepies, wolf parade, basement jaxx, beck, pinback, death cab for cutie, simon and garfunkle, elliott smith, rilo kiley, frou frou, magnolia electric company, breaking laces, the jayhawks, the eagles and snoop dogg
Idiocracy, Fight Club, Art School Confidenial, I Heart Huckabees, Broken Flowers, Life Aquatic, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Mallrats, Almost Famous, Anchorman, Zoolander, Old School, Metropolis, Blow Up, Easy Rider, Blues Brothers, Footloose and Chinatown... Anything by Wes Anderson
last thing i watched was the final four games
Taking a break from books until school starts up again... I don't want to become too smart.
www.davidclovers.combecause legitimacy comes through a website...