Chad profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

My life is rated NC-17.
What is your life rated?Well where to begin? I tend to confuse people, mostly myself. My mind is a chaotic spiraling pit of turmoil that only a few people (niCole & Shannon) can ever make sense of and even they are sometimes dumbfounded. I think in the abstract and live in the Now. Through life I have learned that dwelling on the past is both non-productive and harmful to the soul. I tend to be artistic in most things I do, however I am my largest critic for I think most of my work royally blows but others seem to appreciate it. I have one vice that a lot of my free times is consumed by and that is weight lifing. I firmly believe that a strong body leads to a stronger mind and soul. I organize through chaos which works fine for me except while at work. At work I put on another personality completely, very orderly, commanding and demanding, I expect nothing but the best from those I lead. Many people describe me as an ego-maniac which I have grown to accept as a term of endearment. I prefer to think I am merely overly charismatic but that may be wishful thinking.My basic rundown is the following. Artistic in everything. Pagan (actually I'm a polytheist, I believe that everyones version of their god(s) is correct in their minds and that spiritual beings lie more within than without). Polyamorous. (That means that my wife and I both are allowed to get involved/ have sex with other people). Ego-driven. I smoke WAY too much! Tattooed (fiending for more). No longer peirced (DAMN YOU US ARMY!). Biker. Industrial at heart. Too "muscular" for the Goth scene (according to EVERYBODY) but really enjoy the company of MOST people involved. Confused and very child-like at times. Known to have a fiery temper and scary when invoked but it takes a goddamn lot to piss me off. I also tend to offend people easily. TAKE NO OFFENSE! I say what I want to and deal with the consequences. If you are easily offended then dont bother contacting me but I am NOT mean. Most people, believe it or not say I'm a very nice guy. The nerve of em. OH and if people look at you and sneer or make fun of you let em talk to me and I'll change their tune. I HATE that shit! I also have a teensie-weensie little psychopathic rage problem but i control it well. ok my wife controls it well.I also have an imaginary penguin hockey team that I coach. They practice in the garage. That is when they are not smoking cigars and drinking WAY too much burbon. But I digress.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who are interesting. Mainly people who do not automaically condemn others for differences in life's choices. I dont like people who automatically categorize everyone they meet based on religious choices, styles of dress, scenes, hobbies, or whatever. I am very open-minded and like to meet others like that. If you want to chat, email me. When life permits I always respond.


Music is my life It fuels me when I am down and revitalizes me when I am out I love anything heavy and hard Hatebreed Zeromancer Pantera Projekt Pitchfork Killswitch Engaged Morbid Angel Loco Lacuna Coil Skinny Puppy NIN Slayer HIM Six Feet Under Nile Apartment 26 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Reverend Horton Heat Social Distortion Slipknot Korn In Flames Lamb of God Marilyn Manson Lacuna Coil Type O Negative Skindred Sepultura Dope Mushroomhead VNV Nation ect.


You're Pinhead. As the head of the Church of
Sorrow, you are an excellent leader. You know
how to keep your minions under control (whether
by fear or respect), and conversely, keep them
happy by giving them what they want. You
personify the perfect mixture of fear and
adoration. Just as pain and pleasure are
indivisible in your doctrine, so are those two
qualities in your followers.

Which Cenobite are you? (includes pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


sorry i dont watch tv it drains all creativity from my soul and replaces it with bland marshmellow oatmeal
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... encouraging
Your love is... unique

Quiz created with MemeGen !


Clive Barker and anything he writes Dean Koontz Anton LeVay RA Salvatore any the books they write


What's Your Problem? Find out @ She's Crafty

My Blog

Old friends, new lives

Well it has been forever since I posted a blog on this damn site.  I would love to say that I am back for good reasons but that is not true.  A lot has happened in my life since I stopped wr...
Posted by Chad on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 02:45:00 PST

been a while

been a while since i have posted a blog and as a matter of fact I STILL dont really have time. This is mainly for those few people in CT whom I miss SO VERY much and wish I could see all you guys. M...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

OK ! I suck at this shit!

Ok so I'm trying to add some cool video to my page and I found the video to one of my favorite songs out right now "Nobody" by Skindred. Fucking awesome song and pretty damn cool video too buuuuut ...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

an interesting week

well let me tell you it has been a VERY interesting week and here I sit on Sunday and my damn weekend is almost over. Work has been hell this week and I swear I havent gotten home on time all week. ...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Rambling on and on about nothing and everything at once

ok i dont really have anything important to talk about. Life has been very busy. Not sure how i feel about the Army right now. Had a MAJOR disappointment today. I REALLY hate being in Maintenance....
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


it is really nice to have friends. sometimes life seems to get the worse of everyone. problems arise and seem like they will never get solved. sometimes it takes an outside person to get everyone t...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Bitch fest here! Oh god Chad is bitching! Run for your lives!

Well well well, What to say, what to say. First off it is 6:40 in the AM on Sunday. I am awake. This is a bad thing. I have decided that I must be a very difficult person to please. MY standards...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the truth is out

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burnYour name:Weapon of Choice:Chain gunYour Favorite Target:EskimoesYour Kill Count:1,004,625,906Your Battle Cry:"Who let the dogs out?"Years You Spend in Jail:29...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

welcome to my fucked up world

here i sit in the US Army. me. someone who despises MY current Commander in Cheif aka Herr Bush and is forced to maybe give my life for a country that while i believe in its ideals i do not agree wit...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Not a lot to say today, just kinda laying around the house being lazy. This past week was absolute hell. Damn it was just stressful in every sense of the word. Glad it is finally over but unfortuna...
Posted by Chad on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST