Deirdre-*Artiste*! profile picture


Gimme my '5' mins!Discover me,a nu protege!(Rap starts in the soul..)still searchin' fr peace,in thi

About Me

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adopt your own virtual pet! I wanna b sumbody who thru here cud break in2 hip-hop, wit a mix of jazz/funk/soul-well....jst wanna b me!A down-2 earth,kinda country-hippy &, so much more!Thus-influenced by life itself &, sound lke-nothin' u eva heard bfore!Tho'I'm super modest!Breakin in r,breakin'out?!Karma will get me thru I pray!!Try make each day count r,make sumthin nu of it ha-plus,stay on the edge-2 keep interested!My ambition is jst 2 b a white-girl wit loadsa'attitude(hence red-blood/r hair)!I'm up 2 tryin' almost nethig-1nce!I like the truth-even if it hurts haha!I wanna change life fr the better-whether tht's musically r,whateva basically-we all want the same plus,we can all play r part lke!I ave a seperate music [email protected]/RAINBOWLIFE2-,defo worth checkin' out,amongst otherz...!Also, IM me on here=femceexx(esp.gals)!maybe we can get it on..& email et-eh not yet buddy!Cuz,yes I am here for all the girls as well!Similar 2, 1 of my heroes A.Ginsberg(King of the beats!)I am a Young lady/tiny bit Jewish(n'Protestant)/follower of Buddhism/Lil'Rasta now 2 haha!Irishy-scot/Manic Depressive/Vote 4 Green Party hehe/more than.Bicurious/R&B queen/(Virgin)Nerd/Rebel,radically without a...pause!/Sorta God-fearin',free Spirit....Freaky,-fuckin'beatnik!All round Non-Conformist &,the mix continues 2 brew lol-as it took me a v.long time 2 get here so,I shall continue 2 try & shine!Motto 2 live by:'I strive 2 dip my nib in all varieties of ink,for tht is surely the true spice of life'!!We all want what we don't have hehe-bt,I'm 4ever livin'on the edge-r,outside-(of the outside..)I try 2 not end it all 2 soon altho' mostly I'm tempted cuz of all the shite out ther..Facing adversity &,choosing life has 2 b worth far more than ne amount of recognition,ther is no price on truth-& its a blessing 2 b set free!!!Everyday u live,is achance 2 make a difference b it g8 r,small!Plus,I'm told I'd b gd in politics coz,I lke 2 argue alot &, am v.opinionated!Mayb go gt qualified in social anthropolagy or,lkes of?1st go 2 Rigpa cntre in Canada-b au pair r, sumthin'in Japan!R else I jst wanna settle in sumwhere lke Caribbean isle &, ave' my very own retreat plce tht's also,communal(lke me!)-wit an alternative theme(keepin' pets/plants!)-I'd b a practioner mayb, of sum treatment(s)&,it wld b such a g8 life-style,mtg nu,kewl ppl frm evr'y walk of life-all the time!Snd equally gd 2 u?!All tht I love in nature-& most of all 2 finally b free!x

My Interests

Wtf-oh well!Life is 4eva 2 b my main reference of education!Travel mainly!Let loose!What xactly is white heat &,do I have it?-Prob!Taboo's turn me on!Ppl-mtg them of evr'y bckground!x Like 2 try nu things-u haterz can bounce hehe!Praisin'God &, needin' 2 b less lapsed!Tried 2 b a pioneer & failed!Never fly higher than ur angels can soar!B a libertine & no in-justice for ne-shalom!!Super-duper grooovy ass biotch!!!!Culture/Faith/Orientation/Age/Gender/Name/Taste/Po litical Belief's....the list goes on babes!U mght say I'm middle-class bt, I say **** dat shite!I'm not a goth even if I can b dark...-word.Evolutionist-stay tru!Fuck 'traditions' in the ass!Crazy like ma shaggin'hair!I can b so touchy-feely in a good way-all God's creatures rock out!Get back to basics-I care bout' the ppl/planet for real!U cannot stop me-hehe!A tattoo in a special,intimate plce?Hmmm....!Haha,findin'a decent man 2 share me life wit-who has same qualities as me r,better yet-luv's me fr who I am!Thus,gettin' 2 renounce my oath of abstinence &,stop compensatin'lack of casual sex wit food!Gettin' equipped wit sign language-horse ridin'/wld enjoy walkin' guide dogs fr the blind-gettin' on wit friends(bein' nice 2 my family!)Used 2 b quite nifty@ the old Afro drummin'!Stayin'in shape-loadsa charity stuff actually,(bummin' off me parents!),herbal medicine/gardenin'-perhaps yoga sumday soon,quite in2 esp.chinese herbal health@ da mo'(detoxin' also!)-DVD's(2 many 2 list!),cinema/mags-wafflin'on fr ages-tht's bout it fr the mo'!Plus, this cluttered study is my most homely enviroment &, this PC apears 2 b my nu bf!Mayb I'm also pursuin' 1 day a fling tht involves ideal female?!Only time will tell!xx Still unsure if I will break my purity pledge....havin' fun is vital hehe,ain't gonna sell my soul neither-we shall c what my destiny holds lol!(Here's hopin!)
D Delicious
E Eccentric
E Enchanting
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

I'd like to meet:

MySpace up 2 the challenge lol!Shine on all!Do ur funky thang-&,tru luv of course-x.Bless....I'm darin' 2 try it all-hehe


Profile Graphics - MyspaceBarn.comWtf-oh well!Nethang bt,hip-hop a specialty.Cept' I dn't go in as much fr real hardcore gangsta' selection I mean it depends bt, I personally prefer &, flow more positive lyrics/anti-drugs(I dn't gt high-lke tht!)/exploitin' ladies et bt, avin' sed tht yeh-I'm also a totally free spirit-I'd lke 2 imagine tht's reflected in my art, u gt me?!I'm v.soulful y'kno-gd@opera 2-funkadelic vibes/rap flow-neva bounce!I'm told I have the same bluesy tone as-(l8,totally wicked Eva Cassidy!)Hello-I'm Johnny Cash!Cat Stevens r,now Yusef Islam!Swing's pretty hot-moondance lke!Reggage,Jah man &,of course Gospel-hallelujah bruv!Y'kno tho' it may seem impossible I kinda snd lke the amazing undisputed Mahalia Jackson!Now-thts bin cocky.... I dig lke the spoken word stuff-sum of the time-groovy man!Billie Holiday no doubt!Gonna go all out & say ok-soulful ladies like Nico & Aretha Franklin!Cring-worthy moment of buyin/listenin' 2 tht awful no.1 track bck in 97 r,weneva 'sex on the beach'-ghastly thang str8 fr Ibiza r,whereva!n' the 'macarena'-didn't they all try tht@skool?!I currently ave' no kewl music stats/links et,lke signed 2 a label-u kno'the story!I listen 2 pretty much all the same albums agin-vintage/old skool style!Albums such as Fugee's 'the score' &,of course my girl Lauryn's 'miseducation of'....oh so many,& nt enough time....hehe.Wanna jst say of course-music is so versatile & luv it all fr real-jst ave; always had soft spot t,fr ne music of black origin mayb,tht's coz I've always identified wit it s,nt sure how I turned out lke this on the surface,lol!Bt, also gt the curves 2 match which I'm proud of....


WTF-oh well!'Withnail & I'!
Your Band Name is:
The Dancing Monks Band Name Generator
Dee may explode without warning


WTF-oh well!'Frasier'!
Your Power Bird is a Vulture
You are always changing your life and the lives of those around you.
You aren't afraid to move on from what holds you back.
Energetic and powerful, you have a nearly unlimited capacity for success.
You know how to "go with the flow" and take advantage of what is given to you. What's Your Power Bird?
You Are the Very Gay Velma!
She might not even realize it...
But Velma is all about Daphne... not Fred! What Gay Childhood Icon Are You?


WTF-oh well!'The teachings of the Buddha' by Kyokai!
You Are 80% Pure
You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore!
There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to. The 100 Question Purity Test
How to make a Didi
3 parts jealousy
3 parts arrogance
1 part leadership
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little curiosity if desired!

Personality cocktail


WTF-oh well!'The creator of life itself,God....& myself hehe'!Big up urselves every1...muah
Your Love is Represented by a Orange Rose
When you're in love, you tend to be overwhelmed and consumed by desire.
You develop fascinations with people easily, and they're sometimes even borderline obsessions!
You tend to come on strong. Your love is as hot as a flame. What Rose Represents Your Love?

My Blog

I’m jst waitin 2....

Take off as they say-hahe. Dxxx
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:55:00 PST

Next year

I kno' its gonna b big!Dxx
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:53:00 PST

U dig?!

Its all good! D
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:00:00 PST

life in slow motion!

But,big things r gonna happen for me! D
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:58:00 PST

& don’t forget it!

Hello-nxt big thing & all!D x
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 08:00:00 PST


Sumthin big is gonna happen!D x
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:59:00 PST

its irony

Tht if I tlked bout dyin on here-no1 wld care.xD
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 04:25:00 PST

life isnt fair

esp.for me-n u kno it!xD
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 04:23:00 PST

its jst the way it is

R the way i am bt,4get me spreadin nemore luv-jst kiddin!D x
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:03:00 PST

what gives?

no1 bloody rememebered me?!D x
Posted by Deirdre-*Artiste*! on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:00:00 PST