wat iT iZ FOLkZ! my name be iGNATiUS A. SMiTH! born APRiL 7 1987. iM 22 YEARz YUNG! born & RAiSED in SOUTH SACRAMENTO CALiFORNiA. YES YES YALL iM 100% TONGAN YA DiG! im at SAC CiTY rite now. if you go there & DONT see me !SORRY! i go STR8 to CLASS & STR8 to dah LiGHT RAiL *LMAO* im taking ASTRONOMY & GEOLOGY rite now. but my majors are ART & PSYCHOLOGY. so i got a !LONG! way to go. but ill make it.
my parents are EDGAR JAMEz THOMAS SMiTH SR (†R.i.P DaDDy†) & TOLiNi FiNAU SMiTH. i got 3brutherz & 3sistahs. i got a !FREAKn! BiG ass FAMiLy! I got 11nephews & 5nieces & steo freakn countn. i steady be rocc'n wid my FAMiLy! LUV my LiFE & LUv my FAMiLy! why ask fo' more when GOD blessed me wid dah people i cant live wid out. a GREAT ♥mom & ♥family! who NEEDz more!
%Mr & Mrs Smith%