Supper StudEvery femme has a Super Stud.My Super Stud...... Brings me flowers home from work. She puts me frist in her world. Because she knows shes frist in mine. She makes a stop on her way home from a 13 hour work day, to bring me a tea. She stops me in mid-sentence, by giving me a kiss. Shes not to proud to say "I'm Sorry" frist. ( If shes Right or Wrong)--
I like songs about love. Good love and love gone wrong. Songs I can relate to. Just look at my play list.----
I am a AMC girl. I like all movies really. A lot of them make me cry. The first movie I cried on was.....E.T. Dont laugh. It was sad it when he left to go home.
---- rmanglitter.gifI have been reading like crazy. I just finished the Coldest Winter Ever. I know it came out YEARS ago. but back then i was into scary books. Stephen King was my man back in highschool --
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