pig flu |
OK, while the whole world freaksout about swine flu and revels in disinformation, I thought I'd pass along some actual advice from someone who knows what they are talking aboot.Betty Boop Boopster bro... Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 15:54:00 GMT |
On the hunt... |
I'm probably not posting my resume here, but if you know of any job in the immediate (Scottsdale, AZ) area, or even better a decent job that would allow me to move back home to the PNW (or someplace t... Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:56:00 GMT |
in case anyone was curious about "ryannosaurus doesnt recommend Minwax Provencial stain..." |
It's true, minwax wood stain sucks as hair coloring! Not that I was trying to color the hairs with it, Gracie had me on a project: build a compost bin for the garden.
Construction went well (apart fr... Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:30:00 GMT |
diet and you! |
For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on
nutrition and health. 1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the English. 2. The Mexicans eat a... Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 17:04:00 GMT |
America |
Ahh, it seems since the Reagan era, everytime I disagreed with the ruling corpratist elite, one of their sub-literate ill educated lackeys would make certain to chime in with "America ... Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 18:31:00 GMT |
New family member |
...lol, and I don't mean my Mafia familia
Meet Chloe! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro
Poor lil scamp was abandoned with her littermates at the Phoen... Posted by on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 11:02:00 GMT |
Budweiser American Ale |
Here's one I never thought I'd see or like. Having had plenty of advertising warning that it was coming, I expected one of two things: a fairly tasteless disaster where Bud's standard "ricey" no-flavo... Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 07:20:00 GMT |
The George W. Bush Presidential Library |
LMAO, I don't get the credit for writing this unattributed piece...
The George W Bush Presidential Library is now in the planning stages.The Library will include:- The Hurricane Katrina Room, which is... Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 11:30:00 GMT |
Integration and technology |
As a long time computer user, I’m plenty familiar with advancing technology. Heck, I spent a good portion of my professional life helping push the limits of Moore’s Law, I’d be prett... Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:36:00 GMT |
OCB Pale Ale |
One thing for certain that was hard to adapt to moving to AZ: while beer is as popular as anywhere, true craft brewing isn't as big a deal here as in the Pacific Northwet, Cali, and some other places.... Posted by on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:35:00 GMT |