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About Me

Hello everyone! Im Emma, I'm at the University of Huddersfield studying English Language with Journalism. I'm currently in my final year and Im fed up of learning. Im ready to get a real life job in the real life world (till i go travelling anyway).I hate Lloyds Bar, due to the fact that they served me up a big plate of salad with a shard of plasic that looked like a blade along with my cucumber. I also hate damp towels, who wants a cold damp towel to wrap their bits up in after a nice hot bath. When the tomato touches the bread in a sandwich makes me wanna heave up my pancreas. I also hate early lectures, hangovers, last minute decisions, lateness, mess and rain. I do like things too believe it or not such as Faye 'fuck my fanny flaps' preston and Louise 'tickle my trout' Templeton, the funnies t man girls i have ever met (those are their porn names not their real ones). I also like laughing so hard that your belly hurts and a little bit of wee comes out. I like getting drunk, cuddling mark, sandwiches, funny people, free time, hot baths, when my hair looks good and spending money. If I was an insect I would be a ladybird and if i was an animal id be a bear, apparently. Now everyone knows about meee!!
You scored as Sleeping Beauty. Your alter ego is Princess Aurora, a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty! You are beautiful and enchanting, and as sweet as ever.

Sleeping Beauty




Donald Duck


The Beast






Peter Pan




Snow White


Cruella De Ville

Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?

My Interests

I like writing, laughing, making people laugh and snorting coke through a curly straw (just kidding...i dont like making people laugh)

I'd like to meet:

The fucker that put plasic in my salad
Fayes big sister
Keanu Reeves
alan partridge
russell brand


I like a bit of everything, mainly indie but Im ashamed to admit that I am now the proud owner of Girls Aloud Greatest Hits album....its good when getting ready to go out!!


i watched saw 2 other night with mark, i shit myself, you could quite literally smell the fear...


bad girls, corrie, you are what you eat (shit fiddler mckeith is a legend), alan partridge (i heard you clinkin), catherine tate show, extras, friends, will and grace


harry potter, anything by jasper fforde, jane eyre but only because i have to like it, da vinci code, angels and demons and most of all..Metaphors We Live By by Lakoff and Johnson hahahahaa as if!


marks my hero

My Blog

I've got the golden ticket, I've got the golden smile...

hello people. For my fans, I have decided to start a blog. I feel that if i get my rants down on computer (papers for pussies) I will release tension within my mind and be an all round happier person....
Posted by emma on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:35:00 PST