Dayyum. niqqas got me aLL BENT &&shit.
iM Countinq aLL day. Like a cLock on a waLL
i..m on myspace for Friends.
nothing more. i Only except people i know.
so if you want Drama Stay Off my Page. =)
dont ask me to be Your Friend. Cause i wont except it - Unless i know you
i Aint like them other Girls that just say it && dont do it
so dont get it Twisted
heLLo Lovely,
the names EricaLeeSantos.if youDidnt Know Now you Know. don..t you ever forget cLosest friends caLL me E. money. but caLL me what you must. I attend NBHS Gold house seniorr 2008 ;;im 17 i..LL be 18 on <[u>nov. 11]remember that.i Grew up in FaLL River. my life has changed since moved to acushnet. && not for the better.I..m singLe. Ive been Lied to && decieved. had my heaRt broken too many very hard to get along with. So it..s obviously not easy to get close to me.ive made Alot of mistakes. but i dont regret them ; cause they make me who i am. If i could go backin time- I wouldn..t change a thing.I Believe things Happen for a Reason. && if they didnt whay would they happen. Right? i dont have alot of girl friends cause girls are bitches. All they Do is cause Drama lost && gained friends but it ends up for the better in the end. there..s only two people in my life i trust. my baby brother<[b>RyanMatthewSantos]&& my best friend <[b>GinaAdrielVigna] befriend eveyone && trust no one. i live life on the edge. So you better belive i go All out. && i dont care what people think of me so they can just fall back. && i love when girl..s talk shit cause they just making me famous if its a must im me @ h0llerbehbii *