*..Jennifer..* profile picture


He's the half that makes me whole..

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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Jennifer Ann Linkous
Birthday:: July 12, 1989
Birthplace:: Wilmington, NC
Eye Color:: Hazel
Hair Color:: Brown most of the time
Height:: 5'8"
Weight:: wouldn't you like to know?
Right handed or Left handed?: righty
Your Heritage:: uhh..what do i look like
My Worst Habit:: Worrying..is that habit? I wish I didn't do it so much though..
Zodiac Sign:: Cancer
Shoe Size:: 9
Pants Size:: 7 or 9
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: yeah
The Shoes You Wore Today:: rainbows
Your Weakness:: Him
Your Fears:: Losing him
Your Perfect Pizza:: pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: TO GRADUATE!
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: yeah
Thoughts First Waking Up:: what time is it?
Your Best Physical Feature:: you tell me..
Your Bedtime:: whenever I close my eyes
Your Most Missed Memory:: 7th & 8th grade
Favorite color?: Orange
Food?: Chicken
Sport?: Softball
Animal?: Pig
Ice Cream?: Cookie Dough
Candy?: Reeses
Store?: Hollister
Salad Dressing?: I hate salad
Actor?: Johnny Depp
Song?: Held by Natalie Grant
Letter?: S
Number?: 27
Gum?: Orbit
Holiday?: Valentine's Day
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: uhh..I know it's orange and it's crest
Radio Station?: 107.5
Perfume?: White Cherry Blossom
Scent besides perfume?: I dunno
Body part on the opposite sex?: I love it all
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: A kindergarten teacher
How Do You Want To Die?: In my sleep
Turn ons:: Not sure
Turn offs:: Smoking
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Kayla
Who's The Loudest?: Me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Kelli
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Kayla
Who's The Shyist?: It used to be Robyn..but everyone can be shy
When Have You Cried The Most?: I don't know..I cry a lot
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being with him
Worst Feeling?: Losing someone you love
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Wherever
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: My feet
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Hopefully a long time
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: picture
What a nice: day
Where did all the: food go? i dunno lol
Why can't we: be friends?
Silly, little: goose
Isn't it weird that: ..uhh yeah it's weird
Never under any circumstance: would I eat a pickle
I wish: I was beautiful
Everyone has a: secret
I am: crazy about you
Been In Love?: I am
Been To Juvie?: never
Mooned Someone?: Don't think so
Been Rejected?: I believe so
Ran Away From Home?: I tried
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: lol
Skipped School?: Yeah
Thought About Suicide?: Thought about it..never planned on doing it
Slept Outside?: yeah..haha..me and katherine tried to sleep in my playhouse one night when we were like 10..it was sooo cold!
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yeah
Cried In School?: oh yes
Thrown Up In School?: yeah..7th grade..ew
Wanted To Be a Model?: yeah
Cheated On Someone?: no
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: ha ..yeah
Seen A Dead Body?: yeah
Been Bitched Out?: lol yeah
Drank Alcohol?: a little
Smoked?: no
Been On Drugs?: hell no
Eaten Sushi?: no
Been On Stage?: yes
Gone Skinny Dipping?: nope
Shoplifted?: not exactly..
Been Drunk?: nope
Been Called A Tease?: i don't think so
Been Beaten Up?: nope
Swear?: sometimes
Sing Well?: heck no
Shower Daily?: of course
Want To Go To College?: sure do
Want To Get Married?: yes!
Believe In Yourself?: I try
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: I guess
Get Along With Your Parents?: occasionally
Like Thunderstorms?: don't bother me
Play An Instrument?: negative
Own An IPOD?: yeah
Pray?: yes
Go To Church?: when I can
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: Yep
Keep A Journal/Diary?: no
Dance In The Rain?: sure don't
Sing In The Shower?: not really
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: McDonald's of course
Single or Group Dates?: Eitehr
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Blueberries!
Meat or Veggies?: Meat..I hate vegetables
TV or Movie?: Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: Nike
Chinese or Mexican?: Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios
Cake or Pie?: Cake
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: Deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer briefs
Do The Splits?: a split? sorta
Write With Both Hands?: not very good
Whistle?: I sometimes can
Blow A Bubble?: yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yeah
Cross Your Eyes?: yes
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yeah
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: yep
Dance?: lol..I wish
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: HECK NO
You Touched:: hmm.. :-)
You Talked To On The Phone:: My mom
You Instant Messaged:: Couldn't tell ya..I never get on AIM
You Hugged:: not sure
You Yelled At:: My brother probably lol
You Played A Sport With:: My allstar team..in Louisiana.. :( I miss it
Time You Laughed?: Like 5 seconds ago
Time You Cried?: Yesterday
Movie You Watched?: Inside Man
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Orbit
Joke You Told?: Don't know any
Song You've Sung?: Say Goodbye by Chris Brown
Where Are You?: At my computer
What Can You See Out Your Window?: trees
Are You Listening To Music?: I was
What Are You Wearing?: Nothing according to someone..but a shirt and shorts
What's On Your Mousepad?: the mouse..duh
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: I don't really care as long as I don't have to go
Do you believe in miracles?: Yeah
Magic?: No
Love at first sight?: Not really
God?: Yes
Satan?: No
Ghosts?: Not saying there ain't none..but I'd love to see one
Santa?: sure
Evolution?: To an extent
Fav Eye Color:: dark
Fav Hair Color:: dark
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: doesn't matter
Best Clothing Style:: Their own
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Germany
Number Of CD's I Own:: Too many
Your Good Luck Charm:: My love..like Jagged Edges song
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: not usually
Person You Hate Most:: I don't hate anyone really
Most Outdated Phrase:: dunno
Do you think God has a gender?: What kind of question is that?
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven
How many rings until you answer the phone?: however long it takes me to get to it
What is something scientists need to invent?: Nothing..we have too much technology already
Are you a health freak?: Sure am not
Are you a virgin?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: right back down to earth
What is the worst weather?: Rain
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yeah
How many grades have you failed?: none
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I'd like to meet:

Of Your Friends...
List 10 Of Your Friends (Any Gender) Below
1.: Kayla
2.: Katie
3.: Amanda
4.: Kelli
5.: Him
6.: Jeremy
7.: Michael
8.: Robyn
9.: Kimi
10.: Daniel
Now Answer The Questions Below Referring To The Friends You Listed Above.
How long have you known 1?: Since Kindergarten
Have you been to 8's house?: Yeah..lol..fun projects
Do you like 6?: As a friend
Are 4 and 10 friends?: They don't know each other
Have you been to 3's house?: yep
Would you ever live with 5?: I will live with him
When was the last time you talked to 4?: Today
Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?: lol..that is tooo funny
How about 8 and 10?: lol..heck no!
Have you ever dreamt about 2?: yeah
Have you ever slept with 9?: lol..no
Is 7 attractive?: to Kayla
Do you love 4?: as a friend
Would you ever cuddle with 1?: lol no
Would you ever kiss 3?: no
What do you like best about 6?: He can always make someone smile
Have you ever had a crush on 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9?: 5
Do you ever wish you never met 3?: no thats my buddy!
How did you meet 5?: School
Has 2 seen you naked?: lol..to an extent..that's my sis..
Have you seen 2 naked?: lol yes..she walks in my room all the time!!! i have no choice!
Who is taller? 5 or 10?: 5
Have you met 4's family?: no
Would you ever go out with 3?: no
Do you think 7 is funny?: He can be
What about 6?: oh heck yeah
Where was the last place you went with 1?: Movies
When was the last time you hung out with 2?: The other day
Where do you want to take 3?: I don't know
When do you want to see 4?: I'll see her at work tomorrow
Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?: lol heck no..they wouldn't like each other even if they were gay..
Have 7 and 8 ever kissed?: I hope not!
Would 9 or 10 ever live together?: Probably so she could see Dylon..lol..nah I'm playin
Would you let 3 have your baby?: She could babysit it..ha
Have you ever told 1 a deep dark secret?: I tell her everything
Has 1 ever told you a secret?: Yes
Would you runaway with 6?: I doubt it
Who was the last person 9 kissed?: Probably Dion
Who was the last person 7 hugged?: Probably Kayla
What word or phrase does 5 say alot?: Why you trippin..haha..i love my baby
Does 6 make you laugh?: yes
Does 2 ever annoy you?: Not really
When did you last call 4?: Earlier today
Do you ever talk to 3 online?: When I get on
What about 2?: Not really
Does 10 smell bad?: lol no
Does 1 smell nice?: I guess
Are 1 and 8 friends?: yes
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The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Hazel
Hair Color:: Brown..for now
Height:: 5'7"
Favorite Color:: Orange, of course!
Screen Name:: Crzysftballgrl27
Favorite Band:: Casting Crowns
Favorite Movie:: The Notebook
Favorite Show:: Deal or No Deal
Your Car:: Mustang
Your Hometown:: Leland
Your Present Town:: Leland..
Your Crushes First Name:: His initials are T.C...
Your Grade:: Senior!!
Your Style:: My own
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Nah..that'd be neat though
Kissed someone in the rain?: Not that I can recall
Danced in a public place?: lol...um not seriously
Smiled for no reason?: Always..
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yeah..haha
Peed your pants after age 8?: I hope not!
Written a song?: I'm not that creative!
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeah!
Performed on a stage?: I wish I had the talent
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yeah..I have to now that I'm at a new school
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes
Made out in a theatre?: Nope.. PDA sucks!
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Ice Skating..no Roller Skating
Been in love?: Yes I have
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Mackenzie
Tell you, I love you?: My sister
Kiss you?: hmm..
Hug you?: Mom
Tell you BYE?: My sister
Write you a note?: aww..I got a letter from someone very special to me..
Take your photo?: Me & Kayla
Call your cell phone?: My sister
Buy you something?: Kayla
Go with you to the movies?: Kayla
Sing to you?: haha..no one
Write a poem about you?: I'm not sure
Text message you?: Kayla
Touch you?: Aiden
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: A few minutes ago
Time you cried?: I haven't cried in a long while except for in that movie Freedom Writers
Movie you watched?: Wedding Crashers
Joke you told?: Don't know any
Song you've sang?: Only Grace
Time you've looked at the clock?: 2:03 pm
Drink you've had?: Pepsi
Number you've dialed?: Sister's
Book you've read?: The Da Vinci Code (only because my friend inspired me..sorry it wasn't you, Kayla..haha)
Food you've eaten?: Sandwich!
Flavor of gum chewed?: Orbit
Shoes you've worn?: Sperry's
Store you've been in?: Walmart
Thing you've said?: Nothing
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Not neatly
Whistle?: Not really
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yes?
Cross your eyes?: Yep
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Yeah!!
Dance?: No..ha
Gleek?: Uhh
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: It depends
Speak a different language?: Espanol!
Impersonate someone?: Yes!! haha...
Prank call people?: When I was younger
Make a card pyramid?: No
Cook anything?: Yes!
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: ballroom dancer..THAT'D BE AWESOME!!
I wish ...: I was beautiful
So many people don't know that ...: I sleep with my teddy bear! :)
I am ...: very happy!! :-)
My heart is ...: in his hands..
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