I love to play poker and I love Halo 2. I love my girlfriend Amanda, and I love movies, almost all types! I like to play other video games too like World of Warcraft (yea, I'm a geek) and I love to drink, mainly beer so lets have a kegger!
I'd love to randomly come in contact with my future self, just so I can tell myself how big of a liar I am that I lie to myself about being from the future.
rap/r&b/some rock NO COUNTRY kthnx
Action-Let's blow shit up. Martial Arts-Neck smashing anyone? Comedy-If you don't like to laugh, die IRL. Horror-This is usually another form of comedy. Any other genres I either forgot or don't care.
I LOVE Heroes it is hands down one of the best shows on currently. Lost is pretty awesome... uhm I like the Apprentice. I also LOVE to watch people fuck up on Deal or No Deal, that shit is HILARIOUS! So are Family Guy & South Park!
Book I'm currently reading: "Next" By Michael Crichton (no not the eff-ing movie w/ Nicholas Cage)
My Dad cuz he rocks. He's so awesome that he's prolly your dad too! ok maybe not...but I MIGHT BE! Mwa hahah.