"acROSs thE hOriZon i SEe thE futURe sHinE bRite,
a wORld fuLl oF pRomiSe, dARkneSs bORn fROm thE liGhT/
liKe a WiSh iNTo tHe niGht, My sECreTs hAVe bEen rEVeaLed..
mYSTery fAdeS liKE dAy, tHE hURt sLOwlY heALs/
fROM thESe lAYerS sLOwly pEELed,
mY sPiriT bROke lOosE & GReW..
nOW i wALk tALL, fREsh tO dEf iT's tHAt bRAnD nEW/
fEw cOMprEHend sO i cHAnELLed iT thROugH tHe pEn,
gROUnd iNK witH mY fiNGErtiPS aND maDe tHe WOrdS bLEnd/
sOme wERe eLegAnt, OTheRs mADe tO oFfend..
ALL wEre eLOquANt, aNd pAinTEd a stORy 'tiL tHE END/
nOW mY fLOw haD tO sLOw, cAUse hEArTs STartED tO rACe qUiCk
& hiS bReaTh eXHaLEd a lOVe tHAt thREaTEned tO sWAY tHe wiCK/
sO i kEep tHe fLAmE fEd, mY fiRE fUELed bY THe wiT..
tHE oBVioUs cAMOuflaGEd,
sO eVEn wHEn iT buRNs, i sTay LiT...."
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Blu - Fly (SongOfLiberation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAEgzs4Iwoo
MajorityReport(IanKamau2009) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf4YLqRbj7g