Everything good, positive, exciting, happy, fun, extraordinary!!
All the BEST People :D
hip hop, rab, r&b-- I love to sing along super loud to tha bump in my truck (I seem to know pretty much every word to any song :P)
oh goodness.... mine. ummm but i do love 2 watch all kinds of different films and actors so I pretty much up for anything that has an interesting plot and good acting*
I have a blast during the first week of every season and then it dies down a bit.. I think reality tv is so funny bc its just real people actin a fool, I always get at BET on fridays for the free stylin and am a killer when it comes to Wheel of Fortune!
reading is a great way to relax and I am a writer at heart so I plan to have my own books on health, love, friendship, life in the near future =)
my mother. anyone who knows her knows that she is full of love, strength, courage, support, and so much fun! I am truly blessed! ALL of my sisters!!!!! -- You keep me strong, you keep me focused on being the greatest I can be at all times, you teach me, you inspire me, you make me so proud and you help keep me always loving my life!!