Dustin profile picture


Featured Artist of "Until I Change It" Static-X

About Me

I love my son Izaiah, he means everything to me. He asks alot of questions but it's worth him askin so he don't grow up retarded like the other side of his family. I also love my lady Sam. I drive her crazy most of the time, but she still loves me. I'm hoping to get a job in the game industry as an Associate Producer, but I'd have to move somewhere outside this bitch away from my boy. To me family is the most important thing in life, as long as they don't try to use you, or only acknowledge you as family only when they want something. I also hate it when people try to tell me what I'm thinking, feeling, or why I do something...you're not me and you're not in my head so you don't know. Other then that I'm apparently extremely passive and laid back, and over use the terms "rockin", "oh yeah?", and "hells yeah". So that's me.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Out of the blue

My Interests

Izaiah, Sam, Gaming, Family, and the few real friends I have.

I'd like to meet:


KoRn, Slipknot, Static-X, Stone Sour, Deftones, and Tool. You know all of the great stuff that alternative rock stations play.


The ones that keep you guessin, the blue falcon (family guy), Hitman, Final Fantasy 7 (lame but the fight scenes were awesome)


Family Guy


Penthouse, Playboy, and Gameinformer.


Jonathan Davis (Korn), Glen Quagmire, and the soldier that killed over 50 Afgans, in one battle, right before he lost his life protecting his fellow soldiers. It just sucks I forgot his name :(

My Blog

All the same but some how different

Finally someone who understands that bein themselves is so much better then bein someone else just to make you happy. After a long and tiring search (mmmm....good times) I have found someone that fina...
Posted by Dustin on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:18:00 PST

Fucked up ex family

Okay, here is how fucked up my exwife's family is. Short version at very bottom. Factors: People:Erin (my exwife)bethany (erin's SISTER, lets not forget this part later cause it'll be a shocker)chip (...
Posted by Dustin on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:56:00 PST

Mind your business

Yesterday (December 24, 2006) I went to Wal-Mart to buy my son a "choo-choo" and before we left I did what every man does at Wal-Mart, I hit the electronics department. As I was walking...
Posted by Dustin on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 09:42:00 PST