The Kuruman (booking gigs for summer) profile picture

The Kuruman (booking gigs for summer)

About Me

The Kuruman is the result of group of good friends who like to make music together. We are a 5 piece band who are always up for a gig anywhere anytime! We are into new sounds and wacky instuments, anything that goes really!

Our music has been described as stoner rock and sounds a bit like the doors / joy division

Between us we have some awesome mates who are really suportive and we love them very much !

Our fans are amazing, they make us whole.......we love you !


To get in contact you can email us at [email protected]

Layout by CoolChaser Peace xxxxx

My Interests


Member Since: 30/09/2006
Band Website: Does this count as a website ?????
Band Members: Martin Sheils - Lead Vocals

Dec Gossling - Lead Guitar, Saxophone and Backing Vocals

Josh Rees - Rhythm Guitar

Tom Wills - Bass Guitar and Backing Vocals

Troy King - Drums and Other Percusion

Influences: Joy Division,The Doors,John Butler Trio, Pink Floyd,Jimi Hendrix,Bonobo,The Strokes,Bob Dylan, PJ Harvey
Sounds Like: if REM did a gig with most of TV on the Radio featuring Tom Waits
Record Label: Nope!
Type of Label: Unsigned

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