gender queers, photography, performance art, woman, fighting inequalities, remote controlled cars, cheese fries, veganism, films, traveling, rice milk, iced unsweetened green teas, babies, redmoon theatre, cooking, being a food snob, globalization, underdevelopment of economic systems, social justice movements; my inability to dedicate my life to those worthy causes.
somebody that has an alternative suggestion for my dry sensitive skin in the winter, label-haters. gender queers. inequality fighters.people who can teach me french.
the blow. neko case. kimya dawson. the trucks. magnetic fields. rainer maria. mirah. big sister little sister. scotland yard gospel choir.lil john.
hook or by crook, elephant, mean creek, united states of leilend, off the map, pretty persuasion, mystic river, hotel rwanda, mean girls. 8 1/2.
no television. my mind turns into mush from all the lies.
transgender warriors (leslie feinberg). art and social theory (austin harrington). valencia (michelle tea). whos afraid of feminism (ann oakley and juliet mitchell). art and social theory (austin harrington). scented gardens for the blind (janet frame). maus I (art spiegelman).