plies dat new nigga from slip n slideif aint bout money it aint bout dis nigga either WIzzle....START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Of Your Friends...
List 10 Of Your Friends (Any Gender) Below
1.: sO real
2.: jessica
3.: cynthia
4.: WIlly will
5.: k man
6.: light skin haslem
7.: jay dee
8.: rony b
9.: franchise
10.: matt breezy
Now Answer The Questions Below Referring To The Friends You Listed Above.
How long have you known 1?: 4 a long time
Have you been to 8's house?: ya ya
Do you like 6?: ya she can b wifey if she want lol
Are 4 and 10 friends?: prolly
Have you been to 3's house?: all da damn time runnin a muck
Would you ever live with 5?: ya she tight
When was the last time you talked to 4?: yesterday at da mall
Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?: lol a good lesbian couple jp ..naww
How about 8 and 10?: naww dats homo
Have you ever dreamt about 2?: lol naww but i should b lol
Have you ever slept with 9?: hell2 the naww
Is 7 attractive?: no homo
Do you love 4?: no
Would you ever cuddle with 1?: if she wasent my friend n taken
Would you ever kiss 3?: da fuc?
What do you like best about 6?: she mad chill n pretty
Have you ever had a crush on 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9?: yes sum of dem on sum serious shish lol
Do you ever wish you never met 3?: naww dats my nigga4 life real talk...
How did you meet 5?: SAntaluces
Has 2 seen you naked?: naww but she can git it lol
Have you seen 2 naked?: naww but i wanna lol
Who is taller? 5 or 10?: dunno dats close
Have you met 4's family?: ya dey mad cool
Would you ever go out with 3?: no homo go sumwhere wit dat
Do you think 7 is funny?: ya cat was actin a fool on da cruise
What about 6?: ya
Where was the last place you went with 1?: School lol
When was the last time you hung out with 2?: neva
Where do you want to take 3?: 2 da strip club ..word
When do you want to see 4?: 2mrrow lol no homo
Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?: nawww
Have 7 and 8 ever kissed?: nawww
Would 9 or 10 ever live together?: dunno
Would you let 3 have your baby?: da fuck
Have you ever told 1 a deep dark secret?: naww but i trust her2 keep 1
Has 1 ever told you a secret?: naww but she can trust me
Would you runaway with 6?: ya lol
Who was the last person 9 kissed?: his mom dunno lol
Who was the last person 7 hugged?: dunno ask em
What word or phrase does 5 say alot?: put a dick in ya ear n fuck what cha heard
Does 6 make you laugh?: sumtimes
Does 2 ever annoy you?: nope she nice as hell
When did you last call 4?: da otha day 2 c what da beat iz
Do you ever talk to 3 online?: ya ya
What about 2?: ya ya
Does 10 smell bad?: naww neva dat
Does 1 smell nice?: all the time
Are 1 and 8 friends?: ya ya
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Name: ryan
Nicknames: white choclate n homebwoi
Birthday: 2-2-89 get right n get me sumin shit
Gender: male
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 6 foot 3 n half
Zodiac Sign: aquarius
Status: SIngle..ladies get at me
Graduation Year: 07 n reppin it hard
Movie: borat all da fridays coach carter waist deep etc
TV Show: fresh prince mtv cribs runs house
Book: monster!!its sum g shit
Color: black white red w.e look good on me
Food: buds numba 4. f. U w.i.n.g lol .all my pplz who know what im tlak n bout
Drink(Non-Alcoholic): sprite n gatorade n monster
Drink(Alcoholic): da goose!!!lol
Scent: strawberry
Sport: basketball n baseball
Cartoon Character: sonic nigga real dawg or doug MAyne lil pimp n 2
Store: champs lids fits r us w.e keep me fresh2 def
City: new york
Vacation Spot: bahamas syke w.e da ladies at so miami
Band: 3 6 mafia g unit dipset a lil any 1 who ridin CASh mONEY*
Song: this is da Way i live 2 step .ANy weezy
Football Team: Dallas cowboys
Basketball Team: l.a lakers
Baseball Team: ny yankees
NCAA Team: Duke
Animal: pitbull
Magazine: slam..playboy lol jp or am i .source DUb
Candy: sour skittles starbursts anything sour or sweet
Restaurant: pete rose outback anything dat taste right
Jewelry: my chain hang low lol jp i aint even gotta chain
Day of the Week: friday
Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla or cookie dough
Number: 2 or 24..7 2 cuz dats my baseball numba b4 dey retired my jersey at east boynton lol
Your Best Friend: ruben AKa so muthafuckin real
Your Shoulder to Cry on:
Do You Have More Girl or Guy Friends: girls come on mayne dough da ladies love me jp dunno got a good mix of da 2
Who do You Consider a Sister: jessica lindsay or brittney
Who do You Consider a Brother: Ruben ..real talk
Who Knows All Your Secrets: ruben
Do You Have An Enemy: a few but im hated cuz dey wanna b me lol jp but ya a few
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: SIngle get at da kid
Do You Like Someone: yes a few shortys doin da damn thing at santaluces
Been in a Car Wreck: yep 2 in like 4 days on sum final destination shit
Been Arrested: not yet.....
Broken the Law: yep...
Been Skinny Dipping: ya ya
Been in Love: yea..
Smoked: ay my birthday party sum dro
Drank: sumtimes n at my b day party but dun much like 2 drink
Been High: naww....not really
Smoked Pot: yea mayne
Been Kicked Out of School: nawww
Skipped School: yepz
Failed a Class: yea mayne but cha boy pullin 3.5 now in his sleep
Broken a Bone: yep dislocated my knee n broke my arm
Shoplifted: yep
Tried to Intentionally Hurt Someone: yes lol when i fought giovionni 3 times
Fell Asleep in Class: hell ya
Been in a Fight: yep only 3 same person
Been Out of the US: yep
Had Surgery: yep on my ears
Spent the Night in the Hospital: yea
Snuck Out of Your House: dun really gotta i b home when i want but ya once
Lied to Your Parents: yes ...u gotta do dat sumtimes
Showered at Someone of the Opposite Sex's House: yes
Saw Someone Die: hmmmmm nawww
Had a Near-Death Experience: yea mayne 1 time i was on dis plane n it started 2 shake bad im like like o shit dun let dis b my time lol
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: ya it sucks but i dun sweat it i 4 get it n move pn 2the next 1
Had a Broken Heart: naww 4 what i dun love dem hoes jp alil
Broke Someones Heart: Maybe ask my x's
Cried Over The Opposite Sex: nawww aint found no girl yet dat worth cryin ova
Played a Game Requiring the Removal of Clothing: yea Mayne a few times ..dem is my fav games
Laughed Until You Cried: lol hell ya
Slept Under The Stars: in a way
Mooned or Flashed Someone: yea mayne lol
Killed an Animal: nawww
Prank Called Someone: yep when imbored or feel like laughin
Slept in the Same Bed as the Opposite Sex: yes
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: kimberly
Kiss: kimberly
Car: thunderbird 93 t bird
Trip Out of Your State: washington d.c
Job: panera bread throw ya pb's up naww not palmbeach!!
School: j.p Ryan-i was pimpin by da slide all da every day lol
Slowdance: cant memba
Trip to a Beach: cant memba
Celeb Crush: prolly j .lo or sum shit
Best Friend: ruben
Pet: rhubarb my cat
True Love: ......?
Time You Were Out of Your State: when i went 2 the bahamas
Slowdance: some shawty at da homecoming
Movie You Saw at the Theater..(With Who): hmmm persuit of happiness wit ruben
Person You Talked to on the Phone: Willy Will
Song You Heard: 2 step my d.j uunk
Broken Heart: no 1
Thing You Ate: big mac n medium fries
Thing You Drank: oragne juice
Person You Hugged: my moms
Shower: like 5 min ago i just got out gotta stay smellin fresh
Show You Watched on TV: runs house
Trip to a Mall: wellington mall wit matt n j.e
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEbeyonce wifey materialwanna put my willy on mrs millian lol
drop da kid a comment yall already kno
i got all dem santaluces hoes all on my dick ..i tell em sit back n relax throw it 2 em call me yung mike vick when im snatching ya chick n take ha back 2 da crib put a lil sumin in between ha rib shawty its a wrap when i put on da strap or maybe bust raw cuz ima a real nigga stack figaz bust quicka den ya averege nigga lol
dese jays is fire
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u best belive u gon c the in the and den dey gonna win da because dey iz da best team in da 4 dat matter
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